PMO and moobs?

Any correlation with man boobs (moobs) and heavy PMOing for years? Working out, not that much fat (79 kg, 179 cm), but still some moobs that seem to stay regardless how much you train. Thinking about long-term hormonal changes connected to years of PMO that might cause it.

Does anyone have knowledge/experience about this? Links/thoughts/theories are welcome. Not going to get surgical treatment, hormonal supplements seem too much. Not any diagnosed hormonal imbalances etc., some PIED caused by heavy PMOing (I suppose).

Any correlation with man boobs (moobs) and heavy PMOing for years? Working out, not that much fat (79 kg, 179 cm), but still some moobs that seem to stay regardless how much you train. Thinking about long-term hormonal changes connected to years of PMO that might cause it.Does anyone have knowledge/experience about this? Links/thoughts/theories are welcome. Not going to get surgical treatment, hormonal supplements seem too much. Not any diagnosed hormonal imbalances etc., some PIED caused by heavy PMOing (I suppose).
