Top Surgery booked and Weight loss going great!

I thought I would make a post describing some of my experiences with trying to get on hormones and waiting for surgery. In general, it's been going great as I was quite worried that everything would be canceled due to the current Corona crisis, but apart from some longer waiting times its been going much better than I expected!

Testosterone: I unfortunately have to wait until I will get a brain scan at the end of May, my blood tests came back with one value too high, apparently that can be either natural, caused by hormone imbalance, or by a "bump" on your brain that produces it in excess (not anything dangerous don't worry!)

Top Surgery: I was initially told that for the best results I should lose about 10kg. Just two days ago I was informed that they've booked me for surgery in the middle of August. And today I have lost 5kg, so halfway to go! I'm not comfortable with going to gyms rn so I've started doing home workouts, but mainly my diet has improved immensely.

I hope you all also have gotten good news even during the pandemic :)

I thought I would make a post describing some of my experiences with trying to get on hormones and waiting for surgery. In general, it's been going great as I was quite worried that everything would be canceled due to the current Corona crisis, but apart from some longer waiting times its been going much better than I expected!Testosterone: I unfortunately have to wait until I will get a brain scan at the end of May, my blood tests came back with one value too high, apparently that can be either natural, caused by hormone imbalance, or by a "bump" on your brain that produces it in excess (not anything dangerous don't worry!)Top Surgery: I was initially told that for the best results I should lose about 10kg. Just two days ago I was informed that they've booked me for surgery in the middle of August. And today I have lost 5kg, so halfway to go! I'm not comfortable with going to gyms rn so I've started doing home workouts, but mainly my diet has improved immensely.​I hope you all also have gotten good news even during the pandemic :)
