Weird birth control question...

Hello entwives! I’ve been here a few months but this is my first time posting. I love this community and just having a place to come talk to all of you ladies!

This is a specific question but bear with me: Has anyone noticed their marijuana tolerance change due to their birth control or estrogen levels?

I was on the combo pill and my prescription ran out. When I went to a new doctor, he recommended the mini pill because I have a history of migraines. Shortly after I switched to the mini pill, I was noticing that weed wasn’t having an effect on me how it usually does (daily medical user). It has been a full month on this pill, and the entire time I have chalked it up to just a tolerance increase... but it’s been a pretty random and dramatic shift, to the point where I can barely get myself to “feel high” even if I vape a TON.

Cut to yesterday, I was in my therapy appointment. I have struggled with anxiety and depression all my life and have been really feeling it lately, which I assumed was because of quarantine and all that. She told me that the level of depression I’m feeling isn’t normal (no surprise there) and because I have a history of various medical issues, she was wondering if an imbalance in my body was exacerbating it. She started listing some things to look into after the appointment: autoimmune and thyroid stuff, hormonal levels, etc.

I got myself Googling, and I eventually made my way down the list to “low estrogen” and soon made the connection between when I switched to the mini pill (no estrogen) and when I started feeling hopeless, in addition to having a randomly higher weed tolerance.

I continued to do some research and found some articles about marijuana effects being stronger when women have higher estrogen. Here is one from Leafly, which reads: “Estrogen also increases the amount of the endocannabinoid, anandamide, thereby elevating the strength of the endocannabinoid system. Consistent with this, THC’s effects are strongest when estrogen levels are high.”

So now I’m wondering... has ANYONE experienced a dramatic change in tolerance due to a shift in estrogen? For any reason... even menopause, perhaps? I was unable to find any posts specifically about a situation like this one, and I’m so curious to find out if these problems in my life will be fixed when I get back on the combo pill. I already have an appointment to get a new prescription. If I can truly get high again and feel better, I will be thrilled! Even if no one comments on this I’ll be sure to come back and update, just in case any future woman needs answers.

Sorry this is so long. Have a great day!

Hello entwives! I’ve been here a few months but this is my first time posting. I love this community and just having a place to come talk to all of you ladies!This is a specific question but bear with me: Has anyone noticed their marijuana tolerance change due to their birth control or estrogen levels?I was on the combo pill and my prescription ran out. When I went to a new doctor, he recommended the mini pill because I have a history of migraines. Shortly after I switched to the mini pill, I was noticing that weed wasn’t having an effect on me how it usually does (daily medical user). It has been a full month on this pill, and the entire time I have chalked it up to just a tolerance increase... but it’s been a pretty random and dramatic shift, to the point where I can barely get myself to “feel high” even if I vape a TON.Cut to yesterday, I was in my therapy appointment. I have struggled with anxiety and depression all my life and have been really feeling it lately, which I assumed was because of quarantine and all that. She told me that the level of depression I’m feeling isn’t normal (no surprise there) and because I have a history of various medical issues, she was wondering if an imbalance in my body was exacerbating it. She started listing some things to look into after the appointment: autoimmune and thyroid stuff, hormonal levels, etc.I got myself Googling, and I eventually made my way down the list to “low estrogen” and soon made the connection between when I switched to the mini pill (no estrogen) and when I started feeling hopeless, in addition to having a randomly higher weed tolerance.I continued to do some research and found some articles about marijuana effects being stronger when women have higher estrogen. Here is one from Leafly, which reads: “Estrogen also increases the amount of the endocannabinoid, anandamide, thereby elevating the strength of the endocannabinoid system. Consistent with this, THC’s effects are strongest when estrogen levels are high.”So now I’m wondering... has ANYONE experienced a dramatic change in tolerance due to a shift in estrogen? For any reason... even menopause, perhaps? I was unable to find any posts specifically about a situation like this one, and I’m so curious to find out if these problems in my life will be fixed when I get back on the combo pill. I already have an appointment to get a new prescription. If I can truly get high again and feel better, I will be thrilled! Even if no one comments on this I’ll be sure to come back and update, just in case any future woman needs answers.Sorry this is so long. Have a great day!
