Whole30 for PCOS and Hormonal balance.

Hi, New to the group. Starting Whole30 in hopes of learning trigger foods effecting my PCOS and hormone imbalances. I have ordered 3 books (starts with food, the whole30, and the day by day.) I have half heartedly done the whole 30 (20 days of right food wrong mindset not enough information) in the past with good results. This time I want to do it for real. I need a reset and a better relationship with food.

Has anyone else used the whole30 for hormonal reasons? Any tips or advice for a newbie is greatly welcome.

Hi, New to the group. Starting Whole30 in hopes of learning trigger foods effecting my PCOS and hormone imbalances. I have ordered 3 books (starts with food, the whole30, and the day by day.) I have half heartedly done the whole 30 (20 days of right food wrong mindset not enough information) in the past with good results. This time I want to do it for real. I need a reset and a better relationship with food.Has anyone else used the whole30 for hormonal reasons? Any tips or advice for a newbie is greatly welcome. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2zJoHwf
