Clitoral pain for years (20 years old)

Around my early teens (~13 years old) I began to suffer from pain in my clitoris. It wasn't too bad at first, but the biggest change I noticed occurred when I was masturbating. I could no longer directly touch my clitoris because it was too sore/sensitive. It got to the point where the only way to masturbate was to rub the outside of my vulva with the palm of my hand.

Finally, when I was 18 I went to see a gynecologist. However, she wasn't helpful at all and I wasted a year going back and forth from her office. A year later, I became sexually active. More than ever before, my clitoral pain was becoming difficult to live with. Oral sex was completely off the table for me. So, my boyfriend and I stuck to penetration only. Unfortunately, the second time we had sex also came with a killer UTI. I had a terrible fever and collapsed at my doctor's office and had to go to the ER. I was okay after taking the antibiotic, however, that lead to a yeast infection that I still have to this day.

Soon after getting the yeast infection, I also started going to a new gynecologist who specializes in Vulvodynia. First, we tackled the yeast infection (which I learned I am highly susceptible to and can only take specific antibiotics for UTIs now). But after about 3 months since my last appointment, I think it has come back. I get occasional itches and irritation when urinating just like I usually do. Additionally, my doctor gave me a cream for my clitoris that is used to help nerves. I haven't noticed a big difference, so now I'm both suffering from the clitoral pain and likely a yeast infection.

I'm writing this because I don't know what I should do now. Because of the Corona virus, my doctor canceled all appointments. And I can't book another one with her because she doesn't know when she'll be back. I also don't want to go to anyone else because my luck with other doctors/midwives has been AWFUL. Has anyone had a similar story as mine? Also I 100% do not have STIs. Both my boyfriend and I were virgins when we met.

EDIT: THANK YOU for such helpful feedback! I'm going to message my gynecologist tonight and maybe even include this post. It it curious that I started having these issues around puberty, so perhaps a hormone imbalance is the cause. Additionally, my periods have never been regular (skipping months, lasting 2+ weeks). I'll see what my doctor says!

Around my early teens (~13 years old) I began to suffer from pain in my clitoris. It wasn't too bad at first, but the biggest change I noticed occurred when I was masturbating. I could no longer directly touch my clitoris because it was too sore/sensitive. It got to the point where the only way to masturbate was to rub the outside of my vulva with the palm of my hand.Finally, when I was 18 I went to see a gynecologist. However, she wasn't helpful at all and I wasted a year going back and forth from her office. A year later, I became sexually active. More than ever before, my clitoral pain was becoming difficult to live with. Oral sex was completely off the table for me. So, my boyfriend and I stuck to penetration only. Unfortunately, the second time we had sex also came with a killer UTI. I had a terrible fever and collapsed at my doctor's office and had to go to the ER. I was okay after taking the antibiotic, however, that lead to a yeast infection that I still have to this day.Soon after getting the yeast infection, I also started going to a new gynecologist who specializes in Vulvodynia. First, we tackled the yeast infection (which I learned I am highly susceptible to and can only take specific antibiotics for UTIs now). But after about 3 months since my last appointment, I think it has come back. I get occasional itches and irritation when urinating just like I usually do. Additionally, my doctor gave me a cream for my clitoris that is used to help nerves. I haven't noticed a big difference, so now I'm both suffering from the clitoral pain and likely a yeast infection.I'm writing this because I don't know what I should do now. Because of the Corona virus, my doctor canceled all appointments. And I can't book another one with her because she doesn't know when she'll be back. I also don't want to go to anyone else because my luck with other doctors/midwives has been AWFUL. Has anyone had a similar story as mine? Also I 100% do not have STIs. Both my boyfriend and I were virgins when we met.EDIT: THANK YOU for such helpful feedback! I'm going to message my gynecologist tonight and maybe even include this post. It it curious that I started having these issues around puberty, so perhaps a hormone imbalance is the cause. Additionally, my periods have never been regular (skipping months, lasting 2+ weeks). I'll see what my doctor says!
