Having second thoughts about Keto...

I have been keto 4 months now and I have enjoyed so much about this lifestyle, I feel every time someone brings up keto I'm the first one to jump and say how amazing it is! But lately I have been having some side effects that are starting to make me wonder if keto is a good fit for me...

First of all, let me give you so perspective about myself. I'm a 31 year old female, starting weight 190lbs (goal is 120lbs), suffers from PCOS and insulin resistant. I have a major major hormonal imbalance due to this.

My boyfriend and I started keto at the end of February 2020 because I was fed up with my health being so poor at only 31. I was taking about 9 pills every night before going to bed... I have suffered with migraines all of my life and when I started keto the migraines seemed to vanish, it was the best feeling in the world!

I'll say, I've always been the odd ball because I never had this boost of energy that everyone talks about. Most days, I'm so fatigued I fall asleep in the couch by 7:30/8. I don't feel like I had this mental clarity either, but some of the other benefits where so good I didn't mind.

I feel like everything started going downwards at the 3rd month mark, the bowel movements were so irregular that I went almost 12 days without being about to go number 2. My stomach is constantly bloated and hurts. I started taking fiber to help with that and I still don't see any major improvement. I started losing hair like crazy, like in an alarming way, to the point that I'm scared to wash my hair because I clog the drain every time. My skin has never looked worse, I have the most painful breakouts (I had never suffered from acne because I have extremely dry skin, not even in my teen years). And, I have started to have the migraines again, granted, they go away much quicker and they are not as severe, but they seem to be back and I HATE that.

I have a couple of theories as to what I might be doing wrong:

  1. At the 50% weight loss goal, my boyfriend and I decided to have a cheat meal to celebrate, which obviously kicked me out of ketosis, but we jumped back on it the next day. But, the following week we had ANOTHER cheat meal (this one contain sugar and it killed me!). Maybe this going in and out of ketosis is hurting me.
  2. I'll admit I have been consuming a good amount of artificial sweeteners, because my sweet cravings are driving me crazy (have a feeling it has to do with my hormones too) and I have read that those can stall your weight loss.

I want to think that things will improve over time and that I just need to get over this lump but I can't help to feel anxious about possibly having to quit the only diet that has actually helped me. I would love some insight/advice.

I have been keto 4 months now and I have enjoyed so much about this lifestyle, I feel every time someone brings up keto I'm the first one to jump and say how amazing it is! But lately I have been having some side effects that are starting to make me wonder if keto is a good fit for me...First of all, let me give you so perspective about myself. I'm a 31 year old female, starting weight 190lbs (goal is 120lbs), suffers from PCOS and insulin resistant. I have a major major hormonal imbalance due to this.My boyfriend and I started keto at the end of February 2020 because I was fed up with my health being so poor at only 31. I was taking about 9 pills every night before going to bed... I have suffered with migraines all of my life and when I started keto the migraines seemed to vanish, it was the best feeling in the world!I'll say, I've always been the odd ball because I never had this boost of energy that everyone talks about. Most days, I'm so fatigued I fall asleep in the couch by 7:30/8. I don't feel like I had this mental clarity either, but some of the other benefits where so good I didn't mind.I feel like everything started going downwards at the 3rd month mark, the bowel movements were so irregular that I went almost 12 days without being about to go number 2. My stomach is constantly bloated and hurts. I started taking fiber to help with that and I still don't see any major improvement. I started losing hair like crazy, like in an alarming way, to the point that I'm scared to wash my hair because I clog the drain every time. My skin has never looked worse, I have the most painful breakouts (I had never suffered from acne because I have extremely dry skin, not even in my teen years). And, I have started to have the migraines again, granted, they go away much quicker and they are not as severe, but they seem to be back and I HATE that.I have a couple of theories as to what I might be doing wrong:At the 50% weight loss goal, my boyfriend and I decided to have a cheat meal to celebrate, which obviously kicked me out of ketosis, but we jumped back on it the next day. But, the following week we had ANOTHER cheat meal (this one contain sugar and it killed me!). Maybe this going in and out of ketosis is hurting me.I'll admit I have been consuming a good amount of artificial sweeteners, because my sweet cravings are driving me crazy (have a feeling it has to do with my hormones too) and I have read that those can stall your weight loss.I want to think that things will improve over time and that I just need to get over this lump but I can't help to feel anxious about possibly having to quit the only diet that has actually helped me. I would love some insight/advice. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2ZOzdxh
