My Dad is So Childish it Drives me Insane

So while you’re reading this, keep in mind this dude has had two wives, my mom and his ex wife before her. He’s also dating a woman right now.

He absolutely hates anything to do with periods. If you even mention the word “pad” around him he goes off and says shit like “I don’t wanna hear about any of that.” He’s never bought me pads or tampons before when I couldn’t go myself, it was always my grandma who did that for me. And she doesn’t have a car so she would walk to the store.

I’ve been wanting to go on birth control for a couple of years (for multiple reasons) but I would never dream of mentioning this to my dad. He would accuse me of only wanting to have sex and not consider the fact that I don’t get my period every month and I want to regulate it, or that I have hormonal imbalance. I mean I also want to have protected sex but that’s besides the point. Birth control is health care but he doesn’t understand that. He’s also pro-life, even though my mom had an abortion before I was born. Overall just a hypocrite when it comes to this.

I’m just so sick of having to deal with no feminine care at all. I’ve never been to the gyno and I’m 17. It’s not fair.

So while you’re reading this, keep in mind this dude has had two wives, my mom and his ex wife before her. He’s also dating a woman right now.He absolutely hates anything to do with periods. If you even mention the word “pad” around him he goes off and says shit like “I don’t wanna hear about any of that.” He’s never bought me pads or tampons before when I couldn’t go myself, it was always my grandma who did that for me. And she doesn’t have a car so she would walk to the store.I’ve been wanting to go on birth control for a couple of years (for multiple reasons) but I would never dream of mentioning this to my dad. He would accuse me of only wanting to have sex and not consider the fact that I don’t get my period every month and I want to regulate it, or that I have hormonal imbalance. I mean I also want to have protected sex but that’s besides the point. Birth control is health care but he doesn’t understand that. He’s also pro-life, even though my mom had an abortion before I was born. Overall just a hypocrite when it comes to this.I’m just so sick of having to deal with no feminine care at all. I’ve never been to the gyno and I’m 17. It’s not fair.
