Interested in what these MRI findings mean

29F, 5’5”, 144lbs. Prozac Wellbutrin Buspar, pituitary adenoma/tachycardia. Dizziness and exhaustion for months, Chronically low vitamin D (as low as 9 ng/ml). I have lots of symptoms of hormone imbalance (unexplained hirsutism, abnormal periods, weird weight distribution, etc.)

I have a pituitary adenoma- finally going to see an endocrinologist soon at Emory! (Once they call me back)

From 2008, the medical records I have state “There is a 4mm x 6mm x 8mm (craniocaudal transverse x anterior/posterior dimensions respectively) focus of decreased signal intensity within the adenohypophysis on post contrast images with this focus demonstrated midline immediately to the left of midline. The findings are in keeping with a pituitary microadenoma. On the coronal images, there is some T1 hyperintensity demonstrates inferiorly within the posterior aspect of the sella. Particularly when evaluating the whole brain and thin sectional Sagittal images, this is in keeping with hyperintensity associated as is normally seen with the neurohypophysis as opposed to representing hemorrhage within the adenoma.”

I want to go into this knowing as much as I can about this thing I have. Can someone help translate? Thanks!

29F, 5’5”, 144lbs. Prozac Wellbutrin Buspar, pituitary adenoma/tachycardia. Dizziness and exhaustion for months, Chronically low vitamin D (as low as 9 ng/ml). I have lots of symptoms of hormone imbalance (unexplained hirsutism, abnormal periods, weird weight distribution, etc.)I have a pituitary adenoma- finally going to see an endocrinologist soon at Emory! (Once they call me back)From 2008, the medical records I have state “There is a 4mm x 6mm x 8mm (craniocaudal transverse x anterior/posterior dimensions respectively) focus of decreased signal intensity within the adenohypophysis on post contrast images with this focus demonstrated midline immediately to the left of midline. The findings are in keeping with a pituitary microadenoma. On the coronal images, there is some T1 hyperintensity demonstrates inferiorly within the posterior aspect of the sella. Particularly when evaluating the whole brain and thin sectional Sagittal images, this is in keeping with hyperintensity associated as is normally seen with the neurohypophysis as opposed to representing hemorrhage within the adenoma.”I want to go into this knowing as much as I can about this thing I have. Can someone help translate? Thanks!
