Is biology tricking me into thinking I’m bi?

The week before I ovulate and my ovulation week are like something out of the 1950s. I get googly eyes at my boyfriend, and feel confident that yes, we are finally working things out! I can make this work! I’m not gay, that was crazy talk, I’m definitely bi. I even go down the mental path of thinking I could marry this man. My laughably low sex drive revs itself up after a full month of sitting dusty in the driveway, and I find a way to somehow initiate physicality with him.

Then that little mischievous egg miraculously dies. And I feel like I wake up from a suffocatingly sweet haze. Everything about him is cringe. All men are intolerable. The thought of initiating touch with him is laughable, the idea of sex with him gives me anxiety. I come up with a plan to break things off. I feel at peace with the realization that even if I’m not sure im officially a gay woman (don’t feel like I’ve earned that badge yet?), but I’m only interested in pursuing women after all these wasted years dating men (just turned 29).

Anyone else out there feeling me here?? Do I have a hormonal imbalance? Is this my lot in life as both a Gemini and bi woman? Just hoping to hear back from any of you lovely supportive ladies.

The week before I ovulate and my ovulation week are like something out of the 1950s. I get googly eyes at my boyfriend, and feel confident that yes, we are finally working things out! I can make this work! I’m not gay, that was crazy talk, I’m definitely bi. I even go down the mental path of thinking I could marry this man. My laughably low sex drive revs itself up after a full month of sitting dusty in the driveway, and I find a way to somehow initiate physicality with him.Then that little mischievous egg miraculously dies. And I feel like I wake up from a suffocatingly sweet haze. Everything about him is cringe. All men are intolerable. The thought of initiating touch with him is laughable, the idea of sex with him gives me anxiety. I come up with a plan to break things off. I feel at peace with the realization that even if I’m not sure im officially a gay woman (don’t feel like I’ve earned that badge yet?), but I’m only interested in pursuing women after all these wasted years dating men (just turned 29).Anyone else out there feeling me here?? Do I have a hormonal imbalance? Is this my lot in life as both a Gemini and bi woman? Just hoping to hear back from any of you lovely supportive ladies.
