Is it possible my hormones are out of balance?

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was around 18 (I’m 32 now) and beyond birth control, I’ve never done much to manage it. I was diagnosed based on my missing period, cysts in my ovaries, and bloodwork. I do get minor facial hair, but nothing extreme so I never felt compelled to get further treatment.

I was on the pill from ages 23-31. I started on Lo-Loestrin FE, which I loved! My skin was great. I was feeling great. I went to refill it one day and they said it was no longer available and I was switched to Microgestin. I had great results with this, as well.

In 2018, after one high blood pressure reading - my GYN talked me into the Mirena IUD. She was worried about clotting with the pill. The insertion was awful, but otherwise I felt okay for the first few months. I did notice my moods were everywhere (extreme highs and lows), my hair seemed to be thinning and my skin felt dry - but I enjoyed not having to worry about taking the pill. My period also disappeared about 9 months in.

Last year, I started getting a weird rash on my skin. It has come and gone for the last year. My moods again have been crazy, my hair is awful, and now I’m having terrible episodes of facial flushing. I have no desire to have sex. I feel gross. I had the Mirena removed because it’s the only thing I’ve really changed in my life, but I still feel terrible. Could this all be a hormonal imbalance of some kind? I know Mirena only has progestin and I seemed to respond better to the pills that had a small amount of estrogen.

Begging for some reassurance or hope because I’m not enjoying life at the moment.

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was around 18 (I’m 32 now) and beyond birth control, I’ve never done much to manage it. I was diagnosed based on my missing period, cysts in my ovaries, and bloodwork. I do get minor facial hair, but nothing extreme so I never felt compelled to get further treatment.I was on the pill from ages 23-31. I started on Lo-Loestrin FE, which I loved! My skin was great. I was feeling great. I went to refill it one day and they said it was no longer available and I was switched to Microgestin. I had great results with this, as well.In 2018, after one high blood pressure reading - my GYN talked me into the Mirena IUD. She was worried about clotting with the pill. The insertion was awful, but otherwise I felt okay for the first few months. I did notice my moods were everywhere (extreme highs and lows), my hair seemed to be thinning and my skin felt dry - but I enjoyed not having to worry about taking the pill. My period also disappeared about 9 months in.Last year, I started getting a weird rash on my skin. It has come and gone for the last year. My moods again have been crazy, my hair is awful, and now I’m having terrible episodes of facial flushing. I have no desire to have sex. I feel gross. I had the Mirena removed because it’s the only thing I’ve really changed in my life, but I still feel terrible. Could this all be a hormonal imbalance of some kind? I know Mirena only has progestin and I seemed to respond better to the pills that had a small amount of estrogen.Begging for some reassurance or hope because I’m not enjoying life at the moment.
