Pain expanding quickly. Not sure what step to take next.

Hello, I am 27 years old, currently in bed rest until the 9th when I can finally see my doctors. I have been in the ER 3 times this month due to my pain. I have been suffering with endo for 9 years (constant) I also had a lot of issues when I was 12-17 with irregular periods, pains that were not normal, and severe hormone imbalances. From the age of 18-24 my pain creeped up my side (up into my kidney area) I couldn’t stand for more then 20 minutes, I could no longer sit up straight, was passing out from pain, and could no longer live my normal life. I went to 15+ doctors, at least 20 ER visits. I had doctors playing a guessing game, putting me on medications that made me sick (for PID, which I did not have.) I had multiple doctors tell me I was “mentally creating the pain” or that I needed to “relax my vaginal muscles.” I went through physical therapy 3 separate times, I changed my entire diet, had unnecessary tests done, I also left my job.

I had laparoscopic surgery in 6/2018. They found my left abdominal wall, kidney, ovary, Fallopian tube, and part of my bowel all cemented together. They were unable to remove it all. I was okay for the first 3 months or so, and then the pain started that I knew all too well. I went to my specialist 12/2018 and tried to find help. And of course, nothing. The pain was minor compared to what I had been dealing with so I followed the ibuprofen and Tylenol route that they sent me on. A month later I had already had 3 periods in a month and was in severe pain. They put me on a second birth control (with my IUD). I was constantly sick and angry. Everything set me off. The next dr I saw (at my specialists same office) told me she’d prefer for me to get pregnant before we talk about another surgery. Now I have been off of birth control for a year and a half, I have lost two pregnancies, I am bed ridden, and I can no longer go to work. I passed out at work from the pain, I was standing doing dough one second and the next I’m sitting on the floor, I couldn’t hear, see, or stop shaking. My boss sent me home and now will not allow me to return until I am approved by my dr, who I still have to wait to see. It has been two weeks since I have been off of work, and the pain has been ridiculous. I have been in the ER 3 separate times this month. I’m vomiting from the cramping, when I do cramp it shoots down my left thigh to my knee, makes my chest heavy (stabbing pain on left side and shooting down my arm), makes me feel like I’m drowning (left lung feels full), I get a severe headache starting under my eye or at the base of my skull. The pain shoots up my left side into my kidney area and feels hot (it’s like a hot knife), I can’t sit up, lay on my left side, or have intimate times with my husband. (Along with more personal reproductive issues). I’m exhausted, I’m in so much pain I can barely function, and I’m not sure what step to take next. I contacted a doctor in another state to see if there is anyone who will take this seriously. I cannot live my life, and I’m missing time that I need, I can’t not work (I don’t have the funds to waste on doctors that don’t know what they are doing and to be stuck at home) I was put through tests for chrons, pid, std’s, cancers, Celiac‘s disease, and IBS. Any tips or suggestions on a next step, or how to make my doctors take this seriously, I’d be very thankful. Sorry this post is so long!

Hello, I am 27 years old, currently in bed rest until the 9th when I can finally see my doctors. I have been in the ER 3 times this month due to my pain. I have been suffering with endo for 9 years (constant) I also had a lot of issues when I was 12-17 with irregular periods, pains that were not normal, and severe hormone imbalances. From the age of 18-24 my pain creeped up my side (up into my kidney area) I couldn’t stand for more then 20 minutes, I could no longer sit up straight, was passing out from pain, and could no longer live my normal life. I went to 15+ doctors, at least 20 ER visits. I had doctors playing a guessing game, putting me on medications that made me sick (for PID, which I did not have.) I had multiple doctors tell me I was “mentally creating the pain” or that I needed to “relax my vaginal muscles.” I went through physical therapy 3 separate times, I changed my entire diet, had unnecessary tests done, I also left my job.I had laparoscopic surgery in 6/2018. They found my left abdominal wall, kidney, ovary, Fallopian tube, and part of my bowel all cemented together. They were unable to remove it all. I was okay for the first 3 months or so, and then the pain started that I knew all too well. I went to my specialist 12/2018 and tried to find help. And of course, nothing. The pain was minor compared to what I had been dealing with so I followed the ibuprofen and Tylenol route that they sent me on. A month later I had already had 3 periods in a month and was in severe pain. They put me on a second birth control (with my IUD). I was constantly sick and angry. Everything set me off. The next dr I saw (at my specialists same office) told me she’d prefer for me to get pregnant before we talk about another surgery. Now I have been off of birth control for a year and a half, I have lost two pregnancies, I am bed ridden, and I can no longer go to work. I passed out at work from the pain, I was standing doing dough one second and the next I’m sitting on the floor, I couldn’t hear, see, or stop shaking. My boss sent me home and now will not allow me to return until I am approved by my dr, who I still have to wait to see. It has been two weeks since I have been off of work, and the pain has been ridiculous. I have been in the ER 3 separate times this month. I’m vomiting from the cramping, when I do cramp it shoots down my left thigh to my knee, makes my chest heavy (stabbing pain on left side and shooting down my arm), makes me feel like I’m drowning (left lung feels full), I get a severe headache starting under my eye or at the base of my skull. The pain shoots up my left side into my kidney area and feels hot (it’s like a hot knife), I can’t sit up, lay on my left side, or have intimate times with my husband. (Along with more personal reproductive issues). I’m exhausted, I’m in so much pain I can barely function, and I’m not sure what step to take next. I contacted a doctor in another state to see if there is anyone who will take this seriously. I cannot live my life, and I’m missing time that I need, I can’t not work (I don’t have the funds to waste on doctors that don’t know what they are doing and to be stuck at home) I was put through tests for chrons, pid, std’s, cancers, Celiac‘s disease, and IBS. Any tips or suggestions on a next step, or how to make my doctors take this seriously, I’d be very thankful. Sorry this post is so long!
