Gender is a construct?

Something I've been wondering about recently. I like to learn things so please feel free to post your opinions if they're respectful of everyone I should preface that I respect everybodies right to identify how they wish and strongly believe that transmen are men and transwomen are women. Even if you do not believe this (despite the clear evidence) it doesn't really hurt you to respect a person's wishes and gender them appropriately.

I've been learning alot recently about the trans experience because it's genuinely something that fascinates me. Not just the psychological experience of trans people, or the fight for basic equally that is clearly lacking, but the real nuts and bolts science. The legitimate feeling that one is born in the wrong body, purely based on psychosocial reasons or as a result of hormone imbalances that effect someone's Psyche.

I can't disagree that there's legitimate cause for people to believe they were born as the wrong sex, but the argument presented by advocates etc is that gender is a social construct. But if that's the case, how can transgender people exist legitimately? If it is just a construct, it's not "nature" that's got it wrong. It just means that you are of the sex you are born into, but wish to present differently because you feel more socially aligned with the other sex? If this is the case, it's a choice that's reinforced by negative feedback loops in the brain or a learned behaviour to be transgender and I've got to say, this doesn't fit the narrative for me.

I guess what I'm really asking, is can the gender is a construct argument really coexist with the idea that someone is "born in the wrong body"? We certainly see examples of animals adopting the role of the opposite sex in nature when there is a need (think lioness becoming the head of a pride and growing a mane)

I have a degree in a medical field and neuroscience is a large part of that, so I welcome comments from all.

Something I've been wondering about recently. I like to learn things so please feel free to post your opinions if they're respectful of everyone I should preface that I respect everybodies right to identify how they wish and strongly believe that transmen are men and transwomen are women. Even if you do not believe this (despite the clear evidence) it doesn't really hurt you to respect a person's wishes and gender them appropriately.I've been learning alot recently about the trans experience because it's genuinely something that fascinates me. Not just the psychological experience of trans people, or the fight for basic equally that is clearly lacking, but the real nuts and bolts science. The legitimate feeling that one is born in the wrong body, purely based on psychosocial reasons or as a result of hormone imbalances that effect someone's Psyche.I can't disagree that there's legitimate cause for people to believe they were born as the wrong sex, but the argument presented by advocates etc is that gender is a social construct. But if that's the case, how can transgender people exist legitimately? If it is just a construct, it's not "nature" that's got it wrong. It just means that you are of the sex you are born into, but wish to present differently because you feel more socially aligned with the other sex? If this is the case, it's a choice that's reinforced by negative feedback loops in the brain or a learned behaviour to be transgender and I've got to say, this doesn't fit the narrative for me.I guess what I'm really asking, is can the gender is a construct argument really coexist with the idea that someone is "born in the wrong body"? We certainly see examples of animals adopting the role of the opposite sex in nature when there is a need (think lioness becoming the head of a pride and growing a mane)I have a degree in a medical field and neuroscience is a large part of that, so I welcome comments from all.
