Nausea with combined pill, where to go from here?

Hi all,

I came off the combined pill a month ago due to two awful side effects - constant nausea and hair loss. I recently lost weight so I think this lead to a hormonal imbalance - I had been on the same pill (Rigivedon) two years when the problems started suddenly.

I feel great now I’m off it but me and and my partner recently experienced a split condom and now I feel I need to go back on something for my peace of mind.

Did anyone experience nausea on the combined pill - did another pill work for you? Eg progestin only? My last resort is copper coil as I know it’ll have no hormones it’s just a last resort for me

Thanks in advance ladies

Hi all,I came off the combined pill a month ago due to two awful side effects - constant nausea and hair loss. I recently lost weight so I think this lead to a hormonal imbalance - I had been on the same pill (Rigivedon) two years when the problems started suddenly.I feel great now I’m off it but me and and my partner recently experienced a split condom and now I feel I need to go back on something for my peace of mind.Did anyone experience nausea on the combined pill - did another pill work for you? Eg progestin only? My last resort is copper coil as I know it’ll have no hormones it’s just a last resort for meThanks in advance ladies
