Switching to a new pill in another country without seeing a doctor?

I've been on Tri-Sprintec for 4 years to help with terrible period cramps and it's been great. I've been in another country and I am near the end of my last pack of birth control. Birth control pills can be bought here at pharmacies without a prescription. I'm wondering if it's okay to try a completely new kind of birth control after being on a specific type for so long. One pharmacist told me to go on Microgynon which is monophasic. Some other pharmacists say I shouldn't try a new kind because switching could cause a hormone imbalance and to consult a doctor. But from what I researched, there is no Tri-Sprintec or a direct alternative to Tri-Sprintec here anymore. Due to the whole pandemic, a doctor's appointment is difficult to get. I tried getting a phone consultation but no luck. I'm very afraid of my terrible cramps returning so is it a terrible idea to go on new birth control from the pharmacy or should I wait a month to see if I can get an appointment to see what a doctor suggests? I feel like birth control is kind of a trial & error thing anyway.

I've been on Tri-Sprintec for 4 years to help with terrible period cramps and it's been great. I've been in another country and I am near the end of my last pack of birth control. Birth control pills can be bought here at pharmacies without a prescription. I'm wondering if it's okay to try a completely new kind of birth control after being on a specific type for so long. One pharmacist told me to go on Microgynon which is monophasic. Some other pharmacists say I shouldn't try a new kind because switching could cause a hormone imbalance and to consult a doctor. But from what I researched, there is no Tri-Sprintec or a direct alternative to Tri-Sprintec here anymore. Due to the whole pandemic, a doctor's appointment is difficult to get. I tried getting a phone consultation but no luck. I'm very afraid of my terrible cramps returning so is it a terrible idea to go on new birth control from the pharmacy or should I wait a month to see if I can get an appointment to see what a doctor suggests? I feel like birth control is kind of a trial & error thing anyway. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2DhtcQp
