With time, the extra weight forced me to live a miserable life

The Cinderella Solution Review – Pros, Cons & My Honest Thoughts!

Like many other women, maintaining a healthy weight was always a challenge for me.

There were countless times when I would look at myself in the mirror in total disgust and frustration. This was partly due to the fact that I had tried just about every diet program created by man.

With time, the extra weight forced me to live a miserable life.

Not only was I constantly concerned with the many health complications that have been associated with obesity, and what it would mean for my kids, but the extra weight was chipping away at my confidence and depriving me from doing the things I loved. Wearing a new dress didn’t make sense, wearing a bathing suit and going to the beach became a pipe dream. But, I knew I had to somehow find a solution or else I would be looking at many illnesses and diseases down the line.

This is when I came across The Cinderella Solution. After trying out countless diet and exercise programs, but to no avail, The Cinderella Solution finally had the answer I had been looking for all my life.

The reason why traditional weight loss programs don’t work is because they are usually created with one thing in mind; making lots of money for the creator. This means the so-called weight loss program has to cater to both men and women. This is where I always had a problem because we all know that the bodies of men and women function very differently.

Not only has it been created by a women, The Cinderella Solution focuses at the heart of the problem of weight gain for women by addressing a problem that every woman goes through: puberty and menopause. More specifically, the hormonal imbalance that occurs during that time in women.

Within weeks I started to notice the impact of this ingenious weight loss program. Not only was I shedding those extra pounds, but I also gained my confidence back. Today, I can wear whatever I want, even to the beach.

So, if you want to lose weight to feel smart and confident again, then this The Cinderella Solution review have been written for you. I will tell everything!

My Journey

My weight-loss journey start as that of many other girls. I was overweight, wished I had a better body, and I really “hate” my body.

As I grew older, I started noticing more fatigue, exhaustion after eating, dizziness, etc. Since I had lived like this all my life, I thought it was normal. Also, if you pay attention, most people think it’s normal to eat a lot and then feel tired. So, nothing around me encouraged me to think otherwise.

However, before turning thirty, I fainted for the first time in my life. My colleagues took me to the hospital, I had some bloodwork done, and I was “prediabetic”.

Basically, if I didn’t change my eating habits, I would develop Type 2 diabetes.

Looking For Answers

The doctors were quite blunt and simple, I had to lose weight, eat less, exercise more. In a way, it seemed as If they didn’t have time for another overweight person who caused herself diabetes.

I was devastated and felt alone, but I had to learn where to start.

Nutritionist after nutritionist, I was put to eat almost the same things I used to, except in small quantities.

It kept the problem at bay, but I was still prediabetic. I had heard of people getting back to health, so I went online to look for answers.

Fats, Carbs, and Hormones

For the most part, regular ideas about obesity have to deal with fats. Most health specialists reduce fat intake for people who want to lose weight. However, the body needs fats, it’s just that we need healthy fat.

But the question remained if I need fat, why do I become obese?

Well, carbs have this effect in our bodies that, when they enter, our body starts to digest them, and their sugar starts going into our bloodstream. However, the body produces insulin, to get those sugars our of our blood and save them as energy.

Also, since insulin works to store energy in our body, if you eat fatty food and your body is having an insulin pike, your body will store that fat too. And, to my surprise, most meats also increase our insulin levels, but not as much as carbs.

Hormones Are The Secret

I feel so educated saying all of this, sorry if this is too long, but I have a point. Our bodies haven’t fully adapted to our modern life. So, most of our reactions are still our bodies thinking we live out in the wild.

Part of those reactions is hormonal spikes. Why does the body store so much fat? Well, in the past (up until maybe 100 years ago, having constant access to food wasn’t common. So, whenever people ate, the body would work hard to save everything and maximize gains.

Now, we have a lot of food, mostly unhealthy, and our bodies still feel the need to store everything away. That’s only with insulin.

Then, there are other two hormones, cortisol, and estrogen. Cortisol comes out when you are stressed (like most of the time), it registers a hostile environment an prepares you for escape. To escape, you need energy, for energy, you need fat and carbs. So, that sucker also boosts your fat-storing skills.

Last, but not least, estrogen, our lady hormone. Now, she’s not bad, but this is why it’s harder for us to lose weight, compared to boys.

A woman’s body needs to store fat, especially when you reach fertility, even more, if you get pregnant. That’s going to happen no matter what.

The Cinderella Solution

In a nutshell, The Cinderella Solution works so that you reset the balance of these hormones as best as you can.

The easiest one to control is insulin, and so, through a series of strategies, you can eat whatever, just respecting the nutrients pairings and also timing when you’ll eat.

After that, through some low-impact exercises, you will address both insulin and cortisol. Again, cortisol is stress-dependent, and there are many stress factors in our lives. But, through these exercises, you will reduce its levels by a lot

Lastly, through eating specific things and not eating others, you will improve your estrogen levels, making it easier for your weight to redistribute around your body. This way, all of you will be beautiful and toned.

Things to Consider

As the name implies, The Cinderella Solution has not been created for men, but rather, has been formulated specifically for women, keeping the intricacies of a woman’s diet, metabolism,and other factors in mind. This ensures better results since you are not going to be using a generic weight loss program that promises to cater to both men and women, but in reality, can cater to neither. That’s simply because men’s and women’s bodies function differently.

Research has shown that men and women have a different metabolic rate and prefer different diets, which is the reason why you need a weight loss program that specifically targets those areas to ensure better and faster weight loss, without leading to any undesired side effects.

This is exactly what The Cinderella Solution is offering you. A solution that’s specifically formulated for women who are overweight and are struggling to shed those extra pounds.

Ever wondered why all the effort you put into following various weight loss and diet programs haven’t bore any fruit? That’s because the developers of these weight-loss programs are more interested in increasing their sales, rather than providing a solution that works.

Once you realize that the male and female body is very different in terms of digestive system and metabolism, choosing a weight loss program that’s specifically for women becomes a no-brainer.

Keeping that in mind, The Cinderella Solution is the ideal choice for those women who are in their 20s or 50s and are struggling to shed those extra pounds. This weight loss program is effective because, unlike other weight loss programs, The Cinderella Solution is focused on the wants and needs of women as they lose the extra weight.

Who’s It For?

The Cinderella Solution is for all those women out there who are struggling with their weight and want to experience their own Cinderella story. This comprehensive weight loss program has been designed exclusively for those women who are over 25 years old and want to shed extra pounds in a healthy way, but can’t due to the adverse effects on their metabolism as a result of hormonal changes.

Rather than stressing on difficult diet routines that drastically reduce the amount of nutrients the body gets or having to follow a physically taxing exercise regimen, The Cinderella Solution focuses on the core issues that result in weight gain in women. While this doesn’t mean you will need to follow a diet that consists of fruit juice and cabbage, the weight loss system is a tried and trusted means for women to shed extra pounds in a way that’s realistic, healthy, and natural.

Who’s It Not For?

Like all things worth having in life, you will still need to make some changes in diet and daily activities for the weight loss program to work. The program does include a detailed diet plan along with an exercise regimen that has to be followed in order to garner the results of the weight loss system.

Features & Benefits

So, The Cinderella Solution is unique in the sense that it provides solutions for the problems that women face during hormonal variations. The first major benefit of using the Cinderella Solution is that it’s designed specifically for women and takes into account the fact that a woman’s body is a lot different than men.

Since the weight loss program addresses the issues that are specific to women, you can expect to see better results by following the weight loss program that would not be possible when following a regular weight loss program.

Unlike other weight loss programs, The Cinderella Solution does not offer difficult workouts to lose weight or give you false expectations. Instead, the weight loss program has been assembled by putting together a combination of fitness activities and diet that have been found to be beneficial for the female body. Their main objective is to promote hormonal balance.

What you are going to get in The Cinderella Solution is a manual, quick-start guide, the Cinderella University – Permanent Weight Loss Mini-Course, a Movement Sequencing Guide, a Daily Nutrition blueprint, and a Video Exercise Guide. All of the contents in The Cinderella Solution have been designed specifically for the woman’s body to ensure you are able to lose weight quickly, safely and in a healthy manner.

You can click here for more info--> The Cinderella Solution

The Cinderella Solution Review – Pros, Cons & My Honest Thoughts!​Like many other women, maintaining a healthy weight was always a challenge for me.There were countless times when I would look at myself in the mirror in total disgust and frustration. This was partly due to the fact that I had tried just about every diet program created by man.With time, the extra weight forced me to live a miserable life.Not only was I constantly concerned with the many health complications that have been associated with obesity, and what it would mean for my kids, but the extra weight was chipping away at my confidence and depriving me from doing the things I loved. Wearing a new dress didn’t make sense, wearing a bathing suit and going to the beach became a pipe dream. But, I knew I had to somehow find a solution or else I would be looking at many illnesses and diseases down the line.​This is when I came across The Cinderella Solution. After trying out countless diet and exercise programs, but to no avail, The Cinderella Solution finally had the answer I had been looking for all my life.The reason why traditional weight loss programs don’t work is because they are usually created with one thing in mind; making lots of money for the creator. This means the so-called weight loss program has to cater to both men and women. This is where I always had a problem because we all know that the bodies of men and women function very differently.Not only has it been created by a women, The Cinderella Solution focuses at the heart of the problem of weight gain for women by addressing a problem that every woman goes through: puberty and menopause. More specifically, the hormonal imbalance that occurs during that time in women.Within weeks I started to notice the impact of this ingenious weight loss program. Not only was I shedding those extra pounds, but I also gained my confidence back. Today, I can wear whatever I want, even to the beach.So, if you want to lose weight to feel smart and confident again, then this The Cinderella Solution review have been written for you. I will tell everything!​My Journey​My weight-loss journey start as that of many other girls. I was overweight, wished I had a better body, and I really “hate” my body.As I grew older, I started noticing more fatigue, exhaustion after eating, dizziness, etc. Since I had lived like this all my life, I thought it was normal. Also, if you pay attention, most people think it’s normal to eat a lot and then feel tired. So, nothing around me encouraged me to think otherwise.However, before turning thirty, I fainted for the first time in my life. My colleagues took me to the hospital, I had some bloodwork done, and I was “prediabetic”.Basically, if I didn’t change my eating habits, I would develop Type 2 diabetes.Looking For AnswersThe doctors were quite blunt and simple, I had to lose weight, eat less, exercise more. In a way, it seemed as If they didn’t have time for another overweight person who caused herself diabetes.I was devastated and felt alone, but I had to learn where to start.Nutritionist after nutritionist, I was put to eat almost the same things I used to, except in small quantities.It kept the problem at bay, but I was still prediabetic. I had heard of people getting back to health, so I went online to look for answers.​Fats, Carbs, and Hormones​For the most part, regular ideas about obesity have to deal with fats. Most health specialists reduce fat intake for people who want to lose weight. However, the body needs fats, it’s just that we need healthy fat.But the question remained if I need fat, why do I become obese?Well, carbs have this effect in our bodies that, when they enter, our body starts to digest them, and their sugar starts going into our bloodstream. However, the body produces insulin, to get those sugars our of our blood and save them as energy.Also, since insulin works to store energy in our body, if you eat fatty food and your body is having an insulin pike, your body will store that fat too. And, to my surprise, most meats also increase our insulin levels, but not as much as carbs.​Hormones Are The Secret​I feel so educated saying all of this, sorry if this is too long, but I have a point. Our bodies haven’t fully adapted to our modern life. So, most of our reactions are still our bodies thinking we live out in the wild.Part of those reactions is hormonal spikes. Why does the body store so much fat? Well, in the past (up until maybe 100 years ago, having constant access to food wasn’t common. So, whenever people ate, the body would work hard to save everything and maximize gains.Now, we have a lot of food, mostly unhealthy, and our bodies still feel the need to store everything away. That’s only with insulin.Then, there are other two hormones, cortisol, and estrogen. Cortisol comes out when you are stressed (like most of the time), it registers a hostile environment an prepares you for escape. To escape, you need energy, for energy, you need fat and carbs. So, that sucker also boosts your fat-storing skills.Last, but not least, estrogen, our lady hormone. Now, she’s not bad, but this is why it’s harder for us to lose weight, compared to boys.A woman’s body needs to store fat, especially when you reach fertility, even more, if you get pregnant. That’s going to happen no matter what.​The Cinderella Solution​In a nutshell, The Cinderella Solution works so that you reset the balance of these hormones as best as you can.The easiest one to control is insulin, and so, through a series of strategies, you can eat whatever, just respecting the nutrients pairings and also timing when you’ll eat.After that, through some low-impact exercises, you will address both insulin and cortisol. Again, cortisol is stress-dependent, and there are many stress factors in our lives. But, through these exercises, you will reduce its levels by a lotLastly, through eating specific things and not eating others, you will improve your estrogen levels, making it easier for your weight to redistribute around your body. This way, all of you will be beautiful and toned.​Things to Consider​As the name implies, The Cinderella Solution has not been created for men, but rather, has been formulated specifically for women, keeping the intricacies of a woman’s diet, metabolism,and other factors in mind. This ensures better results since you are not going to be using a generic weight loss program that promises to cater to both men and women, but in reality, can cater to neither. That’s simply because men’s and women’s bodies function differently.Research has shown that men and women have a different metabolic rate and prefer different diets, which is the reason why you need a weight loss program that specifically targets those areas to ensure better and faster weight loss, without leading to any undesired side effects.This is exactly what The Cinderella Solution is offering you. A solution that’s specifically formulated for women who are overweight and are struggling to shed those extra pounds.Ever wondered why all the effort you put into following various weight loss and diet programs haven’t bore any fruit? That’s because the developers of these weight-loss programs are more interested in increasing their sales, rather than providing a solution that works.Once you realize that the male and female body is very different in terms of digestive system and metabolism, choosing a weight loss program that’s specifically for women becomes a no-brainer.Keeping that in mind, The Cinderella Solution is the ideal choice for those women who are in their 20s or 50s and are struggling to shed those extra pounds. This weight loss program is effective because, unlike other weight loss programs, The Cinderella Solution is focused on the wants and needs of women as they lose the extra weight.​Who’s It For?​The Cinderella Solution is for all those women out there who are struggling with their weight and want to experience their own Cinderella story. This comprehensive weight loss program has been designed exclusively for those women who are over 25 years old and want to shed extra pounds in a healthy way, but can’t due to the adverse effects on their metabolism as a result of hormonal changes.Rather than stressing on difficult diet routines that drastically reduce the amount of nutrients the body gets or having to follow a physically taxing exercise regimen, The Cinderella Solution focuses on the core issues that result in weight gain in women. While this doesn’t mean you will need to follow a diet that consists of fruit juice and cabbage, the weight loss system is a tried and trusted means for women to shed extra pounds in a way that’s realistic, healthy, and natural.Who’s It Not For?Like all things worth having in life, you will still need to make some changes in diet and daily activities for the weight loss program to work. The program does include a detailed diet plan along with an exercise regimen that has to be followed in order to garner the results of the weight loss system.​​Features & Benefits​So, The Cinderella Solution is unique in the sense that it provides solutions for the problems that women face during hormonal variations. The first major benefit of using the Cinderella Solution is that it’s designed specifically for women and takes into account the fact that a woman’s body is a lot different than men.Since the weight loss program addresses the issues that are specific to women, you can expect to see better results by following the weight loss program that would not be possible when following a regular weight loss program.Unlike other weight loss programs, The Cinderella Solution does not offer difficult workouts to lose weight or give you false expectations. Instead, the weight loss program has been assembled by putting together a combination of fitness activities and diet that have been found to be beneficial for the female body. Their main objective is to promote hormonal balance.What you are going to get in The Cinderella Solution is a manual, quick-start guide, the Cinderella University – Permanent Weight Loss Mini-Course, a Movement Sequencing Guide, a Daily Nutrition blueprint, and a Video Exercise Guide. All of the contents in The Cinderella Solution have been designed specifically for the woman’s body to ensure you are able to lose weight quickly, safely and in a healthy manner.You can click here for more info--> The Cinderella Solution https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2CXOCCv
