Chaser awareness; safe ones versus dangerous

You may know of some folks who like trans people more because they are trans and this is completely fine especially if your in love! Its a good thing to see when a person who likes trans people in a particular non biased way. Or even if he is a bit sexual that can be ok too in correct situations! Chasers can be attractive and loving as well as their bonus quirk if you have more appetite; in correct circumstances! There also is a middle ground that doesn't care either way. These are wonderful situations show trans people deserve equal love, romance, & care.

Enter Dangerous chasers! Provided example.

The complication is I support some YouTube's such as Fleming but I also not LoL. But, every transwoman has a right to her femininity just as any transman to be masculine. Orientation does effect some structures of the brain. However, this doesn't mean trans women aren't girls or vice versa. Here's the science! The dichotomy is there and very noticeable (before starting however also trans structures of non-gender conforming brain structures are there); I've noticed the difference between them and have been very scared of those types of trans people (The ones with criminal records). But, Rod Fleming (a tranny chaser) also is a tiny bit scary. Because he's overbearing and his motives partially involve the ironically sometimes fetishized shemales.. And, this doesn't mean all trans folks must fit his perfect bill. Because, some transwoman do only transition for only fetishistic reasons or trans men on rarer occasions. But, this is more rare . I hate that about certain t folks; sorry I don't support that behavior tied to it. However, there's a conflict here... Let me explain:

Meeting a few transsexuals I've met some very scary hypersexualized ones. He's quite correct in key areas and I like some of what he says. They talk about sex too much; and are purely into the same sex relationship agps. It is largely dimorphic in brain imaging that gay men are indeed very feminine from straight men at the start (but orientation influences are subject from environmental and chemical influences; despite a non-gender conforming Neuro interesexuality brain structured mtf at a young age versus elderly) Hsts vs agp If your a transwoman I hope you like at least some big muscular charming men with beards and very masculine behavior or vice versa but this doesn't mean your dangerous or entirely your fault. However, no one has a right to force you and I cannot force my trans friends to transition straight to make the world right.

Relationship after a transition. Well, frankly I do agree with the idea that orientation should be a big factor. You should like men as a trans woman in my opinion. But, Rod Fleming does create a confusion between orientation and identity. Women identify as women and the agp versus hsts is morphological when a man has srs and wants to have sex with only men. Having sexual relationships with a man as a woman but as a woman in order to have sex with men! Rod Fleming has multiple channels on different websites (hundreds of them!); All about transsexuals. If their not shemales rod Fleming might act In less support Of them; and here's the dangerous part! In these videos he makes it clear that gay men who transition into women (shemales of which he has dozens of videos with pictures of basically what looks like models); that regardless of Blanchard model support the (shemale; or women with that part). That they fit this persona and always keep it... 100s of videos on transwoman. You might guess what part of his motive is. I love parts of him but hate others.

Unfortunately based on Blanchards research it makes a clear scientific distinction of 3 mainly feminine ideal of the sexuality of hsts; 1 if you read way down it says transwoman hsts who have srs get deep depth surgery (in order to get penetrated by other men), feminized brain types have more femininity after neutering (rabbits); ending mounting behaviors (mounting is a distinctly masculine trait versus wanting to recieve, and lastly the science between wanting "tough mean muscular mean guys" not out of entirely masochistic behavior but basically its silly to say but true that; male gay bottoms have this feminized increase versus ones with mounting behavior. It's eye rolling to read this from both sides but also true. You never have to fit this bill perfectly real girls do some of these things anyways! Both can do any of these differently at different times.

Furthermore, he creates rules without any documents from scientists. Shemales, for example always have a small frame "it's almost like the body knows what it shouldve been" Rod states. Rod also believes "gay men in denial are just made up mostly just agps" because "agps always transition after 20 if your over 20 your always agp and if your hsts you always transition under age 20". Well, certain factors are external religion for example says homosexual relationships are an abomination as well as anyone who cross dresses unforgivable unto even the tenth generation and shall never join the council/congregation of the lord (there's multiple types of catholics, Muslims, and Christians (and many religious types take certain scripture more seriously than others), family strictness and views, bullies bullying gays, exercise, and rare instances of military or otherwise strong self denial that ends up taking testosterone pills to cure gay feelings because of a desire to fit in; thusly these externalized environmental factors masculinize the brain. The Muslims even force homosexuals to become transwoman to "cure homosexuality". Even if there were these brain differences. These people believe they definitely believe they need a good excuse to dare say that they were made to transition; following the law is part of loving God says the scripture or at least try your best to follow it! and If you had all of this you fought to try to satisfy others and tried not to be gay. And you exploded. Ftms dont either have a perfect fit. And since ftms date women this also goes against the argument of "internalized misogyny" at all times.

Even further, the dimorphism of the brain is never solid; hrt has been known in scientific research to feminize the brain; There are clear distinctions of before and after. Hrt has been shown to alter orientations on rare occasions. Since the brain changes after hrt it might randomly effect the part of the brain that effects orientation; and sadly the truth is its highly scientifically full of evidence that your brain is going through far more changes before you are 20 versus after! Why is this sad? Because the hrt that effects individuals before 20 (say you took estrogen at 18 and puberty blockers which can be safely prescribably from a physician at 13! Yes 13 years old; example is not perfect but jazz as young trans girl had testosterone blockers at a super young age as well as Kim petras). To say statement "a new personality takes over" is simply a drawn connection to an age group (not always but on occasions); tied to these brain changes under strong environment trans support to teach fem behaviors as well as higher dosses of estrogen and blockers that are given in different disses in different locations. For example some countries dose 400 blocker mg versus other states 200 and some countries dose ultra high disses of the (more potent than biologically natural female hormones; conjugated super estrogens made in labs versus standard weaker biologically safer ones). These dimorphic brain differentiations from hrt at a younger age versus older ages as well as a supportive environment (ei people who try to man up especially by exercise, repressing strong demonized feelings, and; is known as neurosynaptogenisis under hormonal influence, neuro plasticity by way of repressing femized feelings even if you had strong ones, and testosterone blocking by way of 13 year olds for example on blockers. This means that learned behaviors are learned; 1 if you learn its bad and sinful to be a feminine male from bullies you will masculineze yourself (as environmental factors effect brain structure; you may want to sing girly songs, play tea party, and be with men; and cried when no one noticed because you couldn't) but you learned it was bad and therefore tried to kill it as best you could. 2 if you had a supportive liberal family environment and you weren't shy, cared about fitting in because bullies, and thought you'd go to Hell for being with men you'd start hrt at 18 and puberty blockers at 13 (this will make it look like "the body almost knows what it should be doing) supposedly 3 these dimorphisms of the 3 effect orientation and Neuro as well as bodily appearance.

And..... Orientation is a big huge deal I agree. The point to "spread the seed" is desire, ability, learned behavior, and congruence and its relative and interconnected. However there are is a concurance that scientist statistically have studied and agree on. The brain is more feminine before hrt but not always perfect. To, Throw in random numbers because I didnt memorize but know the general scientific statement on the study. Female cis trans brain is usually 80-100% feminine versus a ftm being 80% masculine before hrt versus the mtf brain starts out intersex in appearance before hrt say a cis man is 90-100% masculine versus a before transition mtf is a soft guy but his to hrt brain is 50% male 50% female (as supported by scientific study) and then the dimorphism changes based on dosage by a big 25-40% (age base) to 80% female or 90% female & furthermore changed by environmental 15-30%. Please excuse the arbitrary percentages but these percentages are similar to the research as (I did not memorize the %s). The dimorphism "the narcissists rages" may further be tied to 50-50 before hrt individuals and connected to noticing some things about his possible agenda, passive aggression toward non shemales, and saying things he shouldn't; "narcissist if rage he states about trans people who don't fit all his rules see "the video he states about them having narcissistic rages" and thusly ironically get angry about this prophecy. The 3 things modulate brain differentiation and thusly more rarely orientation; because it is very unlikely that you had a perfect trans friendly environment. Even bmi weight to hormonal prescription ratio! But lets agree, no one should inwardly fetishize being a woman just as noone should fetishize transwoman or men in such a way that creates unecessary standards for that group.

The transgender brain is scientifically proven to show indication of a small hypothalamus. And, several transgender people are known to have concurrent Co-morbid disorders! For example I know one who is schizophrenic and her identity is permanently in a female identity due to a dissociative permanent genetic disorder who likes men, I know one who has aspergers and only has it she only likes women; do we blame her for aspergers? No!, I know one who has two or 3 disorders. (I've met a group of trans people and I didn't mind; agp or hsts; they decided). Mind you the supposedly agp aspergers individual has incredibly feminine personality traits she can't let go of; her brain is wired differently to enjoy those hobbies as is the schizophrenic, and the ones with multiple co morbid disorders!) This is why a split personality with one being a girl saying "make this body female" should never be supported. It is a singular personality. Anger fits can also be tied to men with aspergers just as fits of rage associated with women with aspergers or autism. A clear line that is not understood from his unscientific misunderstanding!!! They were all different and the ones who started earlier had a unusual advantage. The ones who started earlier do to the big 3s had bonuses. Furthermore the ones who started later and look worse were bullied and therefore their environmental factor discouraged being trans and fem any further. It was the one also who started at later who had 10s and thousands of dollars spent on surgeries such as voice feminization; was unfortunately encouraged to continue mtf and otherwise femininity was encouraged!. If a random insensitive guy is attracted to you he will say "good change you look good" versus the later. As does testosterone pills/shots.

So as you see. Both things may be fetishes. But it draws dangerous lines. As well as middle grounders. You can't create arbitrary restrictions on transwoman such as being a shemale but you encourage good behaviors and support the better side of that person. Co morbid disordered people self harm because their masculinity is destructive and make a them unhappy. Hsts is a very big deal and I only encourage someone to transition if they are into men and would like to be mates with them. Its is the nature of things. However nature has certain imbalances causing these brain damages. Would I encourage someone to be gay on the other hand? No, for a while nature should try to follow what God made them to be. But, if he allowed nature to do something to change the brain in a disorderly way at some point a gay person should just be a full blown woman if it drives her crazy. But, this means however I support that trans women should try to be 100% woman. However, even some women inside a man (no such thing just; ei just on hormonal dimorphism, environment, and belief systems) with the big 3s not supporting her would be far more masculine if she was masculinized by others and was born male and was as such for 50 plus years under male influences. Basically, there's no such thing as a perfect womanly transwoman even if its just her biology of xy chromosome! Thus is why there's the term "testosterone damage" If she truelly believed she would go to he'll due to being gay and transgender she would try to hold back things and learn what's "correct"! So no such thing! They only do it by their own decision in their right that the symptoms and the reasons why are severe enough that they would make better women than men or vice versa.

"Shemales" are wonderful people and its perfectly not always 100% their fault. But, this means to me; if you want to be a termwise transsexual and honor female biology you get srs. Its not something forcible or even something to get mad at transgenders for. But if, trans women identifying as women see themselves as women by scientific study. It may be ridiculous but I would try to at least encourage srs if my teenage kid wanted to change gender. I would at first try to help him be what he was born as. But, it wouldn't be forced for too long until he made his decision to be a she or vice versa.

When I noticed this I became invested for several reasons, it sets a dangerous line for self harming people hsts or agp, it sets a arbitrary general expectation that hsts keep that part, and last it sets a dangerous distinction or an misunderstood isomorphic and environmental aesthetic expectation (you must look good). Finally, Orientation matters bigtime but shouldn't be gravely set in stone to death. I would personally mostly only support hsts individuals but doesn't make the struggle fake for bisexuals and heterosexuals. (Ppl I've known who would be agps by way of orientation). Especially under an unbreakable aspergers dimension. I've known a hetero, bisex, and hsts. Even the "hsts" has acted oddly masculine just as the "agp" has had instances of very feminine behavior. There are feminized structures as a result of these co morbidities sometimes.

Co morbid Neuro genetic brain disorders are caused by a variety of gene variations effecting wiring of the brain differently, those under abuse, bipolar, Aspergers, Schizophrenic, adhd, intersex, hsts, & environmental and so on. None of these are perfect situations but they all have abnormal wiring; the more Co morbid the more differently wired potentially. However the GiD may only be treated when all other disorders are in a non psychotic state. Its important to convey the Co morbid disorders with Gid as well as hsts, the empathy all mentally ill deserve, and support under correct circumstances like extreme self supression! Given the right testimony, evident self hate, and unusual feminine behaviors of a softer Gid mtf patient (albiet repression is were that difficulty is; such as closeted republican muslims or catholics). Some chasers even like the different morphological behaviors; this is a semi reasonable factor of why chasers like t folks! If your both happy and pure people; enjoy what you like if its a better you! Love to be chased in correct circumstances!

However, Some rare occasions though I even think he's right on the earlier quotations he made. But, not always and honestly and scientifically his arbitrary prescribed postulations and theory hardly always fit a great standard of even what he is representing! I'm invested enough to write this but not make 100s of 30 minute videoa! I support Blanchards study as well as some small articals against. But I mainly really like Blanchards model. I do not however support the arbitrary statements of Rod Fleming. Srry flem.

So I like Rod Fleming very much in his attempt to put a stop to these scary sexualized trans folks. However, he sets arbitrary rules and has certain opinions that are frankly. Making me find him a bit scary and too sexual! 100s of videos! He confuses me! And, there are many others who chase dangerouslt. Behaviors like stalkers, murderers linked to raping a trans person, and arbitrary rule setting connosiuers such as (looks based types; as fair as it is to say you like a physically attractive person); the dangerous types. So the clear distinction is ones who create more stress and hate to an already suicidal, repressed, and misunderstood group of people.

This is why trans individual need awareness against the chaser community. If Rod was correct my close friend would be big and ugly which she is not, that all better looking transwoman and trans men are only "hsts" vs, bi, or hetero. This is a common theme in many Reddit groups; sites making fun of homosexuality; calling it autoerotic fetishistic fantasy to be trans, autoandrophillic self inward male fetish, bisexual phillia; the gay that has sex as a girl with a man inwardly as a girl as this occurs, and autogynophilia self inward male fetish. If anyone does I hope they control it even so. Especially the evil forms which have criminality.

Even, while also acknowledging the dangers of the otherwise criminal rarer transgender types; pedophiles, silence of the lamb stereotypes (murderer/rapist) trans phenomenon, lunatics, and non respecting trans ppl about what their transition means (For example tranwomen or men who hate either sex). Which may be true for some and under certain situations. But, it sets a arbitrary rule about femininity, masculinity, and both. The importance of this discussion is to clearly start brainstorming for the importance of desperation of gender identity versus orientation. Healthy transtypes and why perfect standards doesn't always work out. I need to stick up for all my trans friends. Supporting all spectrums; orientations, late vs older trans ppl, disabled, race, size, & even unlucky t folk who don't pass yet. As long as there is healthy femininity and masculinity.

You may know of some folks who like trans people more because they are trans and this is completely fine especially if your in love! Its a good thing to see when a person who likes trans people in a particular non biased way. Or even if he is a bit sexual that can be ok too in correct situations! Chasers can be attractive and loving as well as their bonus quirk if you have more appetite; in correct circumstances! There also is a middle ground that doesn't care either way. These are wonderful situations show trans people deserve equal love, romance, & care.Enter Dangerous chasers! Provided example.The complication is I support some YouTube's such as Fleming but I also not LoL. But, every transwoman has a right to her femininity just as any transman to be masculine. Orientation does effect some structures of the brain. However, this doesn't mean trans women aren't girls or vice versa. Here's the science! The dichotomy is there and very noticeable (before starting however also trans structures of non-gender conforming brain structures are there); I've noticed the difference between them and have been very scared of those types of trans people (The ones with criminal records). But, Rod Fleming (a tranny chaser) also is a tiny bit scary. Because he's overbearing and his motives partially involve the ironically sometimes fetishized shemales.. And, this doesn't mean all trans folks must fit his perfect bill. Because, some transwoman do only transition for only fetishistic reasons or trans men on rarer occasions. But, this is more rare . I hate that about certain t folks; sorry I don't support that behavior tied to it. However, there's a conflict here... Let me explain:Meeting a few transsexuals I've met some very scary hypersexualized ones. He's quite correct in key areas and I like some of what he says. They talk about sex too much; and are purely into the same sex relationship agps. It is largely dimorphic in brain imaging that gay men are indeed very feminine from straight men at the start (but orientation influences are subject from environmental and chemical influences; despite a non-gender conforming Neuro interesexuality brain structured mtf at a young age versus elderly) Hsts vs agp If your a transwoman I hope you like at least some big muscular charming men with beards and very masculine behavior or vice versa but this doesn't mean your dangerous or entirely your fault. However, no one has a right to force you and I cannot force my trans friends to transition straight to make the world right.Relationship after a transition. Well, frankly I do agree with the idea that orientation should be a big factor. You should like men as a trans woman in my opinion. But, Rod Fleming does create a confusion between orientation and identity. Women identify as women and the agp versus hsts is morphological when a man has srs and wants to have sex with only men. Having sexual relationships with a man as a woman but as a woman in order to have sex with men! Rod Fleming has multiple channels on different websites (hundreds of them!); All about transsexuals. If their not shemales rod Fleming might act In less support Of them; and here's the dangerous part! In these videos he makes it clear that gay men who transition into women (shemales of which he has dozens of videos with pictures of basically what looks like models); that regardless of Blanchard model support the (shemale; or women with that part). That they fit this persona and always keep it... 100s of videos on transwoman. You might guess what part of his motive is. I love parts of him but hate others.Unfortunately based on Blanchards research it makes a clear scientific distinction of 3 mainly feminine ideal of the sexuality of hsts; 1 if you read way down it says transwoman hsts who have srs get deep depth surgery (in order to get penetrated by other men), feminized brain types have more femininity after neutering (rabbits); ending mounting behaviors (mounting is a distinctly masculine trait versus wanting to recieve, and lastly the science between wanting "tough mean muscular mean guys" not out of entirely masochistic behavior but basically its silly to say but true that; male gay bottoms have this feminized increase versus ones with mounting behavior. It's eye rolling to read this from both sides but also true. You never have to fit this bill perfectly real girls do some of these things anyways! Both can do any of these differently at different times.Furthermore, he creates rules without any documents from scientists. Shemales, for example always have a small frame "it's almost like the body knows what it shouldve been" Rod states. Rod also believes "gay men in denial are just made up mostly just agps" because "agps always transition after 20 if your over 20 your always agp and if your hsts you always transition under age 20". Well, certain factors are external religion for example says homosexual relationships are an abomination as well as anyone who cross dresses unforgivable unto even the tenth generation and shall never join the council/congregation of the lord (there's multiple types of catholics, Muslims, and Christians (and many religious types take certain scripture more seriously than others), family strictness and views, bullies bullying gays, exercise, and rare instances of military or otherwise strong self denial that ends up taking testosterone pills to cure gay feelings because of a desire to fit in; thusly these externalized environmental factors masculinize the brain. The Muslims even force homosexuals to become transwoman to "cure homosexuality". Even if there were these brain differences. These people believe they definitely believe they need a good excuse to dare say that they were made to transition; following the law is part of loving God says the scripture or at least try your best to follow it! and If you had all of this you fought to try to satisfy others and tried not to be gay. And you exploded. Ftms dont either have a perfect fit. And since ftms date women this also goes against the argument of "internalized misogyny" at all times.Even further, the dimorphism of the brain is never solid; hrt has been known in scientific research to feminize the brain; There are clear distinctions of before and after. Hrt has been shown to alter orientations on rare occasions. Since the brain changes after hrt it might randomly effect the part of the brain that effects orientation; and sadly the truth is its highly scientifically full of evidence that your brain is going through far more changes before you are 20 versus after! Why is this sad? Because the hrt that effects individuals before 20 (say you took estrogen at 18 and puberty blockers which can be safely prescribably from a physician at 13! Yes 13 years old; example is not perfect but jazz as young trans girl had testosterone blockers at a super young age as well as Kim petras). To say statement "a new personality takes over" is simply a drawn connection to an age group (not always but on occasions); tied to these brain changes under strong environment trans support to teach fem behaviors as well as higher dosses of estrogen and blockers that are given in different disses in different locations. For example some countries dose 400 blocker mg versus other states 200 and some countries dose ultra high disses of the (more potent than biologically natural female hormones; conjugated super estrogens made in labs versus standard weaker biologically safer ones). These dimorphic brain differentiations from hrt at a younger age versus older ages as well as a supportive environment (ei people who try to man up especially by exercise, repressing strong demonized feelings, and; is known as neurosynaptogenisis under hormonal influence, neuro plasticity by way of repressing femized feelings even if you had strong ones, and testosterone blocking by way of 13 year olds for example on blockers. This means that learned behaviors are learned; 1 if you learn its bad and sinful to be a feminine male from bullies you will masculineze yourself (as environmental factors effect brain structure; you may want to sing girly songs, play tea party, and be with men; and cried when no one noticed because you couldn't) but you learned it was bad and therefore tried to kill it as best you could. 2 if you had a supportive liberal family environment and you weren't shy, cared about fitting in because bullies, and thought you'd go to Hell for being with men you'd start hrt at 18 and puberty blockers at 13 (this will make it look like "the body almost knows what it should be doing) supposedly 3 these dimorphisms of the 3 effect orientation and Neuro as well as bodily appearance.And..... Orientation is a big huge deal I agree. The point to "spread the seed" is desire, ability, learned behavior, and congruence and its relative and interconnected. However there are is a concurance that scientist statistically have studied and agree on. The brain is more feminine before hrt but not always perfect. To, Throw in random numbers because I didnt memorize but know the general scientific statement on the study. Female cis trans brain is usually 80-100% feminine versus a ftm being 80% masculine before hrt versus the mtf brain starts out intersex in appearance before hrt say a cis man is 90-100% masculine versus a before transition mtf is a soft guy but his to hrt brain is 50% male 50% female (as supported by scientific study) and then the dimorphism changes based on dosage by a big 25-40% (age base) to 80% female or 90% female & furthermore changed by environmental 15-30%. Please excuse the arbitrary percentages but these percentages are similar to the research as (I did not memorize the %s). The dimorphism "the narcissists rages" may further be tied to 50-50 before hrt individuals and connected to noticing some things about his possible agenda, passive aggression toward non shemales, and saying things he shouldn't; "narcissist if rage he states about trans people who don't fit all his rules see "the video he states about them having narcissistic rages" and thusly ironically get angry about this prophecy. The 3 things modulate brain differentiation and thusly more rarely orientation; because it is very unlikely that you had a perfect trans friendly environment. Even bmi weight to hormonal prescription ratio! But lets agree, no one should inwardly fetishize being a woman just as noone should fetishize transwoman or men in such a way that creates unecessary standards for that group.The transgender brain is scientifically proven to show indication of a small hypothalamus. And, several transgender people are known to have concurrent Co-morbid disorders! For example I know one who is schizophrenic and her identity is permanently in a female identity due to a dissociative permanent genetic disorder who likes men, I know one who has aspergers and only has it she only likes women; do we blame her for aspergers? No!, I know one who has two or 3 disorders. (I've met a group of trans people and I didn't mind; agp or hsts; they decided). Mind you the supposedly agp aspergers individual has incredibly feminine personality traits she can't let go of; her brain is wired differently to enjoy those hobbies as is the schizophrenic, and the ones with multiple co morbid disorders!) This is why a split personality with one being a girl saying "make this body female" should never be supported. It is a singular personality. Anger fits can also be tied to men with aspergers just as fits of rage associated with women with aspergers or autism. A clear line that is not understood from his unscientific misunderstanding!!! They were all different and the ones who started earlier had a unusual advantage. The ones who started earlier do to the big 3s had bonuses. Furthermore the ones who started later and look worse were bullied and therefore their environmental factor discouraged being trans and fem any further. It was the one also who started at later who had 10s and thousands of dollars spent on surgeries such as voice feminization; was unfortunately encouraged to continue mtf and otherwise femininity was encouraged!. If a random insensitive guy is attracted to you he will say "good change you look good" versus the later. As does testosterone pills/shots.So as you see. Both things may be fetishes. But it draws dangerous lines. As well as middle grounders. You can't create arbitrary restrictions on transwoman such as being a shemale but you encourage good behaviors and support the better side of that person. Co morbid disordered people self harm because their masculinity is destructive and make a them unhappy. Hsts is a very big deal and I only encourage someone to transition if they are into men and would like to be mates with them. Its is the nature of things. However nature has certain imbalances causing these brain damages. Would I encourage someone to be gay on the other hand? No, for a while nature should try to follow what God made them to be. But, if he allowed nature to do something to change the brain in a disorderly way at some point a gay person should just be a full blown woman if it drives her crazy. But, this means however I support that trans women should try to be 100% woman. However, even some women inside a man (no such thing just; ei just on hormonal dimorphism, environment, and belief systems) with the big 3s not supporting her would be far more masculine if she was masculinized by others and was born male and was as such for 50 plus years under male influences. Basically, there's no such thing as a perfect womanly transwoman even if its just her biology of xy chromosome! Thus is why there's the term "testosterone damage" If she truelly believed she would go to he'll due to being gay and transgender she would try to hold back things and learn what's "correct"! So no such thing! They only do it by their own decision in their right that the symptoms and the reasons why are severe enough that they would make better women than men or vice versa."Shemales" are wonderful people and its perfectly not always 100% their fault. But, this means to me; if you want to be a termwise transsexual and honor female biology you get srs. Its not something forcible or even something to get mad at transgenders for. But if, trans women identifying as women see themselves as women by scientific study. It may be ridiculous but I would try to at least encourage srs if my teenage kid wanted to change gender. I would at first try to help him be what he was born as. But, it wouldn't be forced for too long until he made his decision to be a she or vice versa.When I noticed this I became invested for several reasons, it sets a dangerous line for self harming people hsts or agp, it sets a arbitrary general expectation that hsts keep that part, and last it sets a dangerous distinction or an misunderstood isomorphic and environmental aesthetic expectation (you must look good). Finally, Orientation matters bigtime but shouldn't be gravely set in stone to death. I would personally mostly only support hsts individuals but doesn't make the struggle fake for bisexuals and heterosexuals. (Ppl I've known who would be agps by way of orientation). Especially under an unbreakable aspergers dimension. I've known a hetero, bisex, and hsts. Even the "hsts" has acted oddly masculine just as the "agp" has had instances of very feminine behavior. There are feminized structures as a result of these co morbidities sometimes.Co morbid Neuro genetic brain disorders are caused by a variety of gene variations effecting wiring of the brain differently, those under abuse, bipolar, Aspergers, Schizophrenic, adhd, intersex, hsts, & environmental and so on. None of these are perfect situations but they all have abnormal wiring; the more Co morbid the more differently wired potentially. However the GiD may only be treated when all other disorders are in a non psychotic state. Its important to convey the Co morbid disorders with Gid as well as hsts, the empathy all mentally ill deserve, and support under correct circumstances like extreme self supression! Given the right testimony, evident self hate, and unusual feminine behaviors of a softer Gid mtf patient (albiet repression is were that difficulty is; such as closeted republican muslims or catholics). Some chasers even like the different morphological behaviors; this is a semi reasonable factor of why chasers like t folks! If your both happy and pure people; enjoy what you like if its a better you! Love to be chased in correct circumstances!However, Some rare occasions though I even think he's right on the earlier quotations he made. But, not always and honestly and scientifically his arbitrary prescribed postulations and theory hardly always fit a great standard of even what he is representing! I'm invested enough to write this but not make 100s of 30 minute videoa! I support Blanchards study as well as some small articals against. But I mainly really like Blanchards model. I do not however support the arbitrary statements of Rod Fleming. Srry flem.So I like Rod Fleming very much in his attempt to put a stop to these scary sexualized trans folks. However, he sets arbitrary rules and has certain opinions that are frankly. Making me find him a bit scary and too sexual! 100s of videos! He confuses me! And, there are many others who chase dangerouslt. Behaviors like stalkers, murderers linked to raping a trans person, and arbitrary rule setting connosiuers such as (looks based types; as fair as it is to say you like a physically attractive person); the dangerous types. So the clear distinction is ones who create more stress and hate to an already suicidal, repressed, and misunderstood group of people.This is why trans individual need awareness against the chaser community. If Rod was correct my close friend would be big and ugly which she is not, that all better looking transwoman and trans men are only "hsts" vs, bi, or hetero. This is a common theme in many Reddit groups; sites making fun of homosexuality; calling it autoerotic fetishistic fantasy to be trans, autoandrophillic self inward male fetish, bisexual phillia; the gay that has sex as a girl with a man inwardly as a girl as this occurs, and autogynophilia self inward male fetish. If anyone does I hope they control it even so. Especially the evil forms which have criminality.Even, while also acknowledging the dangers of the otherwise criminal rarer transgender types; pedophiles, silence of the lamb stereotypes (murderer/rapist) trans phenomenon, lunatics, and non respecting trans ppl about what their transition means (For example tranwomen or men who hate either sex). Which may be true for some and under certain situations. But, it sets a arbitrary rule about femininity, masculinity, and both. The importance of this discussion is to clearly start brainstorming for the importance of desperation of gender identity versus orientation. Healthy transtypes and why perfect standards doesn't always work out. I need to stick up for all my trans friends. Supporting all spectrums; orientations, late vs older trans ppl, disabled, race, size, & even unlucky t folk who don't pass yet. As long as there is healthy femininity and masculinity.
