Everything about POF that my OB/GYNs have told me "is in my head" and made me feel more isolated

(TRIGGER WARNING : This post lists out every negative thing I face because of POF and I understand that if you're suffering from POF sometimes you're trying your best to feel positive & get through your day so you probably shouldn't engage with this if that's the kinda day you're having)

I'm 23 and got diagnosed with POF at 22. Had years of hormonal imbalance, missed periods, sleep & mood problems before I finally got diagnosed when my ovaries had shrunk irredeemably. Extremely disappointed with how medical professionals treat POF. I've had so many issues that I experience as a consequence aside from infertility and I'm just listing everything that my plethora of OB/GYNs have shrugged off owing it to "it's all in your head" or "that's just not right" in the hope that I can either find people who've suffered from the same things or at least if I don't find people then realise that maybe it is in my head after all.

1) Gaining a lot of weight despite exercising and eating consciously + more difficult to lose weight even when I practice extreme routines

2) Extreme mood swings & anxiety & subsequent depressive periods because of taking OCPs + extremely long and painful PMS ( I say this because I've tried going without OCPs and noticed huge improvements however I understand that I need to take hormones to preserve my physical health )

3) Losing all sexual libido. I was extremely in love with a guy but the sex became painful and I would overall very rarely be turned on enough to enjoy sex. It became more of something I felt like I had to do to maintain my relationship

4) Fluctuations in appetite

5) Issues maintaining a sleeping schedule

It's an extremely isolating experience going through all of this and knowing that not a single person who's close to me or is involved in my treatment really understands how hard it gets to maintain a normal life or a disciplined routine. Not to mention the fact that because I'm young and have never thought about kids & in fact didn't think I would ever want kids in life - no one understands the sense of loss I still feel with regards to future relationships.

(TRIGGER WARNING : This post lists out every negative thing I face because of POF and I understand that if you're suffering from POF sometimes you're trying your best to feel positive & get through your day so you probably shouldn't engage with this if that's the kinda day you're having)I'm 23 and got diagnosed with POF at 22. Had years of hormonal imbalance, missed periods, sleep & mood problems before I finally got diagnosed when my ovaries had shrunk irredeemably. Extremely disappointed with how medical professionals treat POF. I've had so many issues that I experience as a consequence aside from infertility and I'm just listing everything that my plethora of OB/GYNs have shrugged off owing it to "it's all in your head" or "that's just not right" in the hope that I can either find people who've suffered from the same things or at least if I don't find people then realise that maybe it is in my head after all.1) Gaining a lot of weight despite exercising and eating consciously + more difficult to lose weight even when I practice extreme routines2) Extreme mood swings & anxiety & subsequent depressive periods because of taking OCPs + extremely long and painful PMS ( I say this because I've tried going without OCPs and noticed huge improvements however I understand that I need to take hormones to preserve my physical health )3) Losing all sexual libido. I was extremely in love with a guy but the sex became painful and I would overall very rarely be turned on enough to enjoy sex. It became more of something I felt like I had to do to maintain my relationship4) Fluctuations in appetite5) Issues maintaining a sleeping scheduleIt's an extremely isolating experience going through all of this and knowing that not a single person who's close to me or is involved in my treatment really understands how hard it gets to maintain a normal life or a disciplined routine. Not to mention the fact that because I'm young and have never thought about kids & in fact didn't think I would ever want kids in life - no one understands the sense of loss I still feel with regards to future relationships. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3gMF36V
