sertraline 100-150mg side effect on skin (acne)?


back in nov-dec 2019 i was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, which i have dealt with for years now.

i started sertraline in jan 2020, and have been continuing on either 150mg or 100mg, depending on the doctor's suggestions and how i've been doing, etc.

but starting jan 2020, so around the time i started taking sertraline, i started getting inflamed cystic acne all over my cheeks, and i do get pimples every now and then but never anything like this. it was super inflamed and irritated, red and swollen, it was aching and hot. many of them were blind pimples, so i couldn't pop them either. idk if this is something that people taking sertraline can experience as a side effect, or if this is unrelated.

there was no other significant lifestyle change made around this time, and my family doctor and my dermatologists, as well as psychotherapist could not give me a definite answer other than me just having to find things out for myself to why this happened :(

i assumed that sertraline could be a possible reason since one of many causes of acne can be hormonal imbalance. i've been feeling better and decided to try going off sertraline for a week or so to see if there are any changes to my skin, but i'm going through withdrawal and am feeling super dizzy and lightheaded, so i'm scared to continue to stay off of sertraline.. sorry this post ended up becoming so long :(

basically, tl;dr: i'm wondering if anyone else has had problems with cystic/inflammatory acne due to starting sertraline, and how you dealt with it, and if it was fixed by getting off sertraline?

hi,back in nov-dec 2019 i was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, which i have dealt with for years now.i started sertraline in jan 2020, and have been continuing on either 150mg or 100mg, depending on the doctor's suggestions and how i've been doing, etc.but starting jan 2020, so around the time i started taking sertraline, i started getting inflamed cystic acne all over my cheeks, and i do get pimples every now and then but never anything like this. it was super inflamed and irritated, red and swollen, it was aching and hot. many of them were blind pimples, so i couldn't pop them either. idk if this is something that people taking sertraline can experience as a side effect, or if this is unrelated.there was no other significant lifestyle change made around this time, and my family doctor and my dermatologists, as well as psychotherapist could not give me a definite answer other than me just having to find things out for myself to why this happened :(i assumed that sertraline could be a possible reason since one of many causes of acne can be hormonal imbalance. i've been feeling better and decided to try going off sertraline for a week or so to see if there are any changes to my skin, but i'm going through withdrawal and am feeling super dizzy and lightheaded, so i'm scared to continue to stay off of sertraline.. sorry this post ended up becoming so long :(basically, tl;dr: i'm wondering if anyone else has had problems with cystic/inflammatory acne due to starting sertraline, and how you dealt with it, and if it was fixed by getting off sertraline?
