Social Services make me feel like a horrible mother

TW: Mental Health, Social Services

I am petrified I will lose my child. I am on the autistic spectrum but highly functioning, but I did suffer from PPD. I immediately asked for help. My original health visitor, who has no background knowledge in mental health, however spoke to me like I was mentally challenged. when I told her on her visit (at week 7) that I had issues on day 1 (horrible thoughts I don’t want to repeat because I still feel guilty and upset they even ever crossed my mind for the split second they were there) she said that she was gravely concerned for the safety of my son and kept on and on, ignoring that this was in the past and I was stable (and had been for weeks).

Social Services got involved and she told them how extremely concerned she was. I was open and I told them the help I have in place, the medication I take, the bonding and love I have for my son but also of the trouble I have with my autistic issues of sound hypersensiticity for example. They were all nice to my face. Then the calls started.

Whenever I answered they would immediately ask if I was alone with my son. When I said yes they sounded petrified and said oh no, is he ok? Will you manage, where is your husband? I had managed on my own for weeks at this point because I had put things in place to help me if I struggled.

This past week my new health visitor (I requested a new one after being treated like I was mentally challenge) says in disdain that social service kept saying how concerned they were over the thought I had that once on day 1 (and never had again, nor acted on it). She told me she tried to explain autism to her and PPD but that the lady clearly had no understanding of mental health issues and was not listening. She said she hoped they spoke to my psychiatrist so they could get some insight and relax.

I got a call by social services telling me that an emergency child in need meeting is being held. I got 2 working days notice and was not told that it was actually one step prior to the protection order and the possibility of having my LO removed. I was not even given enough notice to ensure I can attend, nor was I given information on who would be there.

I am scared. I never did anything other than cuddle, breastfeed and love my child. i merely reached out for help when I had a bad thought that scared me to my core. I was on the wrong medication but have been corrected and am on my normal antidepressant and all the problems (apart from sound hypersensitivity) I had in regards to feeling aggravated have disappeared. Yet this social worker seems to think my child is in urgent need and in immediate danger?

How is that possible when my perinatal psychiatrist is happy, my doctor is happy, the healthvisitor who sees my LO is happy with him, as are the others that see him?

It scares me that they can just call such a meeting with no warning and could just decide that I was a danger and ask for a protection order, when nothing has ever been done to him and despite the mental health team feeling happy with how I am as a mother. I had one thought, one time. After a traumatic exhausting birth with high blood loss and surgery (hadn’t even held my LO for the first hour as I was whisked away and felt detached and exhausted and full of anasthesia). I immediately did what I thought was right and asked for my hubby to take LO and spoke to staff to ask for help.

I have never been so scared and felt so worthless in my life. I would never do anything to my LO. That is why I asked for help when I did. But because I am breastfeeding they think I am starving him (I am UK based, they rarely do breastfeeding here. 24 hours after birth they panicked that I wasn’t giving him 35 ml formula every few hours and instead was feeding him colostrum and then my milk when it came in).

The bullying and pressure to formula feed was insane in the first weeks and contributed massively to my PPD. There was no need. I had good milk supply. LO was tongue tied and didn’t gain fast enough but as soon as it was corrected LO gained.

Why are they doing this to me?

Why are they going at me and speaking to me in such a demeaning tone? Why are they hunting down someone who has everything in place and keep using words like “urgent”, “extreme concern” and “danger”? Why don’t they believe the professionals when they are told I am safe to be with my LO and it was just side effects of medication and hormonal imbalance?

I am so scared. LO is my world I cannot lose my baby.

TW: Mental Health, Social ServicesI am petrified I will lose my child. I am on the autistic spectrum but highly functioning, but I did suffer from PPD. I immediately asked for help. My original health visitor, who has no background knowledge in mental health, however spoke to me like I was mentally challenged. when I told her on her visit (at week 7) that I had issues on day 1 (horrible thoughts I don’t want to repeat because I still feel guilty and upset they even ever crossed my mind for the split second they were there) she said that she was gravely concerned for the safety of my son and kept on and on, ignoring that this was in the past and I was stable (and had been for weeks).Social Services got involved and she told them how extremely concerned she was. I was open and I told them the help I have in place, the medication I take, the bonding and love I have for my son but also of the trouble I have with my autistic issues of sound hypersensiticity for example. They were all nice to my face. Then the calls started.Whenever I answered they would immediately ask if I was alone with my son. When I said yes they sounded petrified and said oh no, is he ok? Will you manage, where is your husband? I had managed on my own for weeks at this point because I had put things in place to help me if I struggled.This past week my new health visitor (I requested a new one after being treated like I was mentally challenge) says in disdain that social service kept saying how concerned they were over the thought I had that once on day 1 (and never had again, nor acted on it). She told me she tried to explain autism to her and PPD but that the lady clearly had no understanding of mental health issues and was not listening. She said she hoped they spoke to my psychiatrist so they could get some insight and relax.I got a call by social services telling me that an emergency child in need meeting is being held. I got 2 working days notice and was not told that it was actually one step prior to the protection order and the possibility of having my LO removed. I was not even given enough notice to ensure I can attend, nor was I given information on who would be there.I am scared. I never did anything other than cuddle, breastfeed and love my child. i merely reached out for help when I had a bad thought that scared me to my core. I was on the wrong medication but have been corrected and am on my normal antidepressant and all the problems (apart from sound hypersensitivity) I had in regards to feeling aggravated have disappeared. Yet this social worker seems to think my child is in urgent need and in immediate danger?How is that possible when my perinatal psychiatrist is happy, my doctor is happy, the healthvisitor who sees my LO is happy with him, as are the others that see him?It scares me that they can just call such a meeting with no warning and could just decide that I was a danger and ask for a protection order, when nothing has ever been done to him and despite the mental health team feeling happy with how I am as a mother. I had one thought, one time. After a traumatic exhausting birth with high blood loss and surgery (hadn’t even held my LO for the first hour as I was whisked away and felt detached and exhausted and full of anasthesia). I immediately did what I thought was right and asked for my hubby to take LO and spoke to staff to ask for help.I have never been so scared and felt so worthless in my life. I would never do anything to my LO. That is why I asked for help when I did. But because I am breastfeeding they think I am starving him (I am UK based, they rarely do breastfeeding here. 24 hours after birth they panicked that I wasn’t giving him 35 ml formula every few hours and instead was feeding him colostrum and then my milk when it came in).​The bullying and pressure to formula feed was insane in the first weeks and contributed massively to my PPD. There was no need. I had good milk supply. LO was tongue tied and didn’t gain fast enough but as soon as it was corrected LO gained.​Why are they doing this to me?Why are they going at me and speaking to me in such a demeaning tone? Why are they hunting down someone who has everything in place and keep using words like “urgent”, “extreme concern” and “danger”? Why don’t they believe the professionals when they are told I am safe to be with my LO and it was just side effects of medication and hormonal imbalance?I am so scared. LO is my world I cannot lose my baby.
