What was your sterilization journey?

I'm a 27F. I think that I would be less stressed/ would find my place in the world more if I was sterilized. It is not logically necessary because I have a chronic hormonal imbalance (it may be PCOS; the doctors aren't sure) and have been taking birth control for 10+ years, but with all the buzz about legislation about the undoing of RoeVs.Wade and the fact that I sometimes want to please people so badly that I fear that I would be convinced to have a child THOUGH I'M COMPLETELY TERRIFIED AND IT WOULD RUIN MY LIFE (I'm so serious I believe this to my core), I think I would like to go ahead and just make the decision now.

If you have had your tubes tied or have had a hysterectomy, please weigh in. I think a hysterectomy would be better as I would no longer have to deal with my hormonal imbalance, but I'm concerned about aging prematurely and/or growing facial hair (though either would be better than accidentally becoming pregnant amiright?).

I also am considering donating my eggs (I've read up on the unknowns of this and also how it can increase the risk of pregnancy, so it is still something I am brewing over), so please feel free to weigh in on how getting sterilized affects this possibility.

I'm a 27F. I think that I would be less stressed/ would find my place in the world more if I was sterilized. It is not logically necessary because I have a chronic hormonal imbalance (it may be PCOS; the doctors aren't sure) and have been taking birth control for 10+ years, but with all the buzz about legislation about the undoing of RoeVs.Wade and the fact that I sometimes want to please people so badly that I fear that I would be convinced to have a child THOUGH I'M COMPLETELY TERRIFIED AND IT WOULD RUIN MY LIFE (I'm so serious I believe this to my core), I think I would like to go ahead and just make the decision now.If you have had your tubes tied or have had a hysterectomy, please weigh in. I think a hysterectomy would be better as I would no longer have to deal with my hormonal imbalance, but I'm concerned about aging prematurely and/or growing facial hair (though either would be better than accidentally becoming pregnant amiright?).I also am considering donating my eggs (I've read up on the unknowns of this and also how it can increase the risk of pregnancy, so it is still something I am brewing over), so please feel free to weigh in on how getting sterilized affects this possibility. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3gMYVqA
