Do the hormones in dairy cause acne or the protein?

Hi, I’ve been wondering what exactly about dairy causes acne for many people. Is it the hormones present in it that cause hormonal imbalance in people and thus causes acne, or is it due to the protein (milk protein allergy)? Should I be more worried about, let’s say—0% fat Greek yogurt with 15g protein, or, dairy butter with 11g fat and 0g of protein (might be trace amounts of protein though like 0.1g). Does anyone know if there are any links to acne and dairy fat, as opposed to protein? I absolutely LOVE dairy but I’ve been having a feeling for a while that it may be causing my acne. But it’s extremely difficult for me to give up right now to test it. Any thoughts on this?

Hi, I’ve been wondering what exactly about dairy causes acne for many people. Is it the hormones present in it that cause hormonal imbalance in people and thus causes acne, or is it due to the protein (milk protein allergy)? Should I be more worried about, let’s say—0% fat Greek yogurt with 15g protein, or, dairy butter with 11g fat and 0g of protein (might be trace amounts of protein though like 0.1g). Does anyone know if there are any links to acne and dairy fat, as opposed to protein? I absolutely LOVE dairy but I’ve been having a feeling for a while that it may be causing my acne. But it’s extremely difficult for me to give up right now to test it. Any thoughts on this?
