do I really have pcos?

Hello everyone! I recently joined reddit to learn more about things I’m interested in or that apply to me, and one of them being PCOS.

I’m currently 18, 5’4, 140 lbs and had my first gyno appointment January 2020, where they did some blood work and found out that my testosterone levels were a lot higher than usual. Based on the symptoms I’ve had for years now (struggle with losing weight, a period usually every 3 months (average cycle was about 60 days), excess hair growth on body but no serious hair loss on head) and then after finding the extra testosterone, my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS. Other than that, I’ve never had an ultrasound done to check for cysts or anything.

I agreed to start birth control and have been on it since January. I haven’t had any serious issues with it, just mood swings closer to my period, barely any weight gain, and thankfully my hair growth has slowed down. So far, I’ve had a positive experience with BC.

After reading other people’s experiences with PCOS, I’m starting to wonder if I really have it, because it also seems like my symptoms aren’t as severe as others. Is it possible that she misdiagnosed me and that I don’t have PCOS but some other hormone imbalance problem? Or do I have a less severe version of PCOS?

Hello everyone! I recently joined reddit to learn more about things I’m interested in or that apply to me, and one of them being PCOS.I’m currently 18, 5’4, 140 lbs and had my first gyno appointment January 2020, where they did some blood work and found out that my testosterone levels were a lot higher than usual. Based on the symptoms I’ve had for years now (struggle with losing weight, a period usually every 3 months (average cycle was about 60 days), excess hair growth on body but no serious hair loss on head) and then after finding the extra testosterone, my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS. Other than that, I’ve never had an ultrasound done to check for cysts or anything.I agreed to start birth control and have been on it since January. I haven’t had any serious issues with it, just mood swings closer to my period, barely any weight gain, and thankfully my hair growth has slowed down. So far, I’ve had a positive experience with BC.After reading other people’s experiences with PCOS, I’m starting to wonder if I really have it, because it also seems like my symptoms aren’t as severe as others. Is it possible that she misdiagnosed me and that I don’t have PCOS but some other hormone imbalance problem? Or do I have a less severe version of PCOS?
