Eating halal meat changes your hormonal balance, resulting in severe societal issues.

Fact: Livestock animals are given artificially injected with growth and puberty hormones. This is done to “fatten up” the animals and so that they achieve puberty faster.

Fact: Hormones are chemical messengers that certain glands in your body secrete into the blood vessel to spread it throughout your body

Fact: Hormones control bodily functions such as Growth and Development, Metabolism (not just digestion) of food, Reproductive Growth, Sexual function and health, Maintenance of body temperature and thirst, and (most importantly) Cognitive function and Mood.

Fact: Actions taken by Hormonal system/ Endocrine system create reactions within milliseconds. (Example, within seconds of smelling food, you start salivating and your stomach starts secreting digestive juices. Example, within seconds of seeing/interacting with your crush, you start blushing, adrenaline pumping in your body in face of danger)

Fact: Countries that have high non-veg diet have high counts people suffering from hormonal imbalances as well higher cancer rates.

Fact: Halal is a specifically brutal method of killing a living creature in which the throat/jugular vein of the creature is slit so that it bleeds out all of its blood.

Fact: Animals have emotions. Animals have endocrine system as well.

Fact: When a creature senses untimely death exacted by another creature, it feels pain, anger, fear.

My Belief: Halal was a method invented/discovered to ensure meat does not spoil in the heat of the desert; lesser liquid content in food item means it lasts longer.

My Belief: When an animal is killed by the Halal method and it feels it's pain, its last thoughts would be those of fear and anger. That would be the last hormone injected in its blood, the last hormone with which all its muscles and tissues would be soaked in.

My Belief: When you’re eating an animal killed by Halal, you’re ingesting that hormone, and thus their fear, their anger and their pain. You do not know who you’re angry against, who you’re afraid of, but you are.

My Belief: Years of accumulated fear and anger will result in mental deviation which will eventually become the norm. Maybe it already has.

Fact: You are what you eat.

My Conclusion: Eating Halal meat is probably making you angry (against something you know not what) and afraid (of something you don’t know).

Fact: Livestock animals are given artificially injected with growth and puberty hormones. This is done to “fatten up” the animals and so that they achieve puberty faster.Fact: Hormones are chemical messengers that certain glands in your body secrete into the blood vessel to spread it throughout your bodyFact: Hormones control bodily functions such as Growth and Development, Metabolism (not just digestion) of food, Reproductive Growth, Sexual function and health, Maintenance of body temperature and thirst, and (most importantly) Cognitive function and Mood.Fact: Actions taken by Hormonal system/ Endocrine system create reactions within milliseconds. (Example, within seconds of smelling food, you start salivating and your stomach starts secreting digestive juices. Example, within seconds of seeing/interacting with your crush, you start blushing, adrenaline pumping in your body in face of danger)Fact: Countries that have high non-veg diet have high counts people suffering from hormonal imbalances as well higher cancer rates.Fact: Halal is a specifically brutal method of killing a living creature in which the throat/jugular vein of the creature is slit so that it bleeds out all of its blood.Fact: Animals have emotions. Animals have endocrine system as well.Fact: When a creature senses untimely death exacted by another creature, it feels pain, anger, fear.My Belief: Halal was a method invented/discovered to ensure meat does not spoil in the heat of the desert; lesser liquid content in food item means it lasts longer.My Belief: When an animal is killed by the Halal method and it feels it's pain, its last thoughts would be those of fear and anger. That would be the last hormone injected in its blood, the last hormone with which all its muscles and tissues would be soaked in.My Belief: When you’re eating an animal killed by Halal, you’re ingesting that hormone, and thus their fear, their anger and their pain. You do not know who you’re angry against, who you’re afraid of, but you are.My Belief: Years of accumulated fear and anger will result in mental deviation which will eventually become the norm. Maybe it already has.Fact: You are what you eat.My Conclusion: Eating Halal meat is probably making you angry (against something you know not what) and afraid (of something you don’t know).
