I'm losing my hair

I'm a woman in my early 20's and my hair is falling out. I'm devastated. I feel so hopeless. I am currently waiting for the results of some blood work to come back, but I'm terrified there is something wrong. Worse than that, what if there is nothing wrong at all? They might tell me its just stress. That would be somehow worse because that would be so hard to fix rather than some hormone imbalance. I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I just needed to feel heard. Regardless of the reason, it will take years for my hair to be back to where it was and it may never grow back completely. I have fantasized about shaving it off and being free of it, but then the spots will just show even more than they do now. I would also look absolutely horrible with a shaved head.

If anyone here has been through this, please reassure me that I'm not alone because I feel alone. I feel like every person I see at work knows my hair is falling out and I feel absolutely horrible about myself. My partner sees the thinning and understands that I'm upset but he doesn't really mirror back an understanding of my intense feelings. I'm angry at him for that and I needed to get that off my chest too. To anyone going through this as well, I'm sorry and I feel you.

I'm a woman in my early 20's and my hair is falling out. I'm devastated. I feel so hopeless. I am currently waiting for the results of some blood work to come back, but I'm terrified there is something wrong. Worse than that, what if there is nothing wrong at all? They might tell me its just stress. That would be somehow worse because that would be so hard to fix rather than some hormone imbalance. I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I just needed to feel heard. Regardless of the reason, it will take years for my hair to be back to where it was and it may never grow back completely. I have fantasized about shaving it off and being free of it, but then the spots will just show even more than they do now. I would also look absolutely horrible with a shaved head.If anyone here has been through this, please reassure me that I'm not alone because I feel alone. I feel like every person I see at work knows my hair is falling out and I feel absolutely horrible about myself. My partner sees the thinning and understands that I'm upset but he doesn't really mirror back an understanding of my intense feelings. I'm angry at him for that and I needed to get that off my chest too. To anyone going through this as well, I'm sorry and I feel you. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3l030KG
