My husband is having a terrible time, but I'm finding it hard to care

So my husband has been absolutely vitriolic for some time now, as those of you who've read my posts will know but for those who haven't, he's just been a pure shit. The kind of shit where I haven't wanted to question my love for him, because I'm scared I'd find the answer which would make my presently inescapable situation the more intolerable.

Anyway, my husband came in to the living room today to tell me his friend has just called from hospital.

Said friend has some learning disabilities, hormone imbalances, a lot of medical conditions and some huge comorbidities so it isn't uncommon for his friend to be in hospital.

I asked why Friend was in hospital, and my husband said he had mild COVID symptoms, called the clinical advice line, and they said because he was on steroids and immunosuppressants then he should go to the hospital to be monitored. This to me sounds like bad advice because putting someone with mild COVID and comorbities on a COVID ward where there's a high viral load is just a recipe for disaster.

My husband said that Friend was coughing and finding it hard to breathe, but the people in the background sounded worse.

I tried to console my husband by saying that if he's still able to talk, and he's not been intubated or sedated then his prospects are looking good, but I've experienced this with a colleague who did end up on a ventilator, and dying from secondary infection within 24 hours.

I really feel sorry for my husband's friend. But my consolations to my husband feel very very fake. It's really hard to care that someone who treats you so badly, is feeling bad, but I know if I don't put a show on I'll just be subject to an argument about my lack of social awareness, and probably be called autistic (again) because I'm not showing him any empathy.

I also might have a blood clot in my leg, but my husband refuses to take time off work to watch our son so I can go to the hospital, but is now considering asking for a few hours off work because he's so shook.

So my husband has been absolutely vitriolic for some time now, as those of you who've read my posts will know but for those who haven't, he's just been a pure shit. The kind of shit where I haven't wanted to question my love for him, because I'm scared I'd find the answer which would make my presently inescapable situation the more intolerable.Anyway, my husband came in to the living room today to tell me his friend has just called from hospital.Said friend has some learning disabilities, hormone imbalances, a lot of medical conditions and some huge comorbidities so it isn't uncommon for his friend to be in hospital.I asked why Friend was in hospital, and my husband said he had mild COVID symptoms, called the clinical advice line, and they said because he was on steroids and immunosuppressants then he should go to the hospital to be monitored. This to me sounds like bad advice because putting someone with mild COVID and comorbities on a COVID ward where there's a high viral load is just a recipe for disaster.My husband said that Friend was coughing and finding it hard to breathe, but the people in the background sounded worse.I tried to console my husband by saying that if he's still able to talk, and he's not been intubated or sedated then his prospects are looking good, but I've experienced this with a colleague who did end up on a ventilator, and dying from secondary infection within 24 hours.I really feel sorry for my husband's friend. But my consolations to my husband feel very very fake. It's really hard to care that someone who treats you so badly, is feeling bad, but I know if I don't put a show on I'll just be subject to an argument about my lack of social awareness, and probably be called autistic (again) because I'm not showing him any empathy.I also might have a blood clot in my leg, but my husband refuses to take time off work to watch our son so I can go to the hospital, but is now considering asking for a few hours off work because he's so shook.
