My period’s duration is becoming significantly shorter, should I be concerned?

I’m 20 and over the past year or so my period’s become significantly shorter. It used to last around 5ish days when I was 16-17 and even 18 but now it’s just barely even 24 hours of normal bleeding. I bleed very lightly for maybe a day and a half and then some spotting till the third day and that’s it. I also don’t have any other symptoms of a hormonal imbalance or PCOD. Should I be concerned?? Do I need to go to the doctor?

I’m 20 and over the past year or so my period’s become significantly shorter. It used to last around 5ish days when I was 16-17 and even 18 but now it’s just barely even 24 hours of normal bleeding. I bleed very lightly for maybe a day and a half and then some spotting till the third day and that’s it. I also don’t have any other symptoms of a hormonal imbalance or PCOD. Should I be concerned?? Do I need to go to the doctor?
