My wife has a mustache, how should I approach her about it?

Throwaway. For starters, I just want to say that this is a difficult subject for me as I love her very deeply and want to do whatever I can do 1) make sure she is not emotionally hurt by my actions, and 2) finally get rid of that awful mustache. I am taking this very seriously, as we are already having some issues in the bedroom and she feels very unattractive as a default (even though she is objectively very beautiful, size 0, and otherwise takes care of her hygiene). The low self-esteem issues run deep, independent of this issue.

For some background, my wife is one of those unfortunate souls who get hereditary facial hair, not due to some sort of hormonal or chemical imbalance. Women on her side of the family each deal with this issue differently, some choosing to wax and others choosing to pluck or laser. For the most part, its not noticeable unless there are certain light conditions or she is being lazy. She can be very diligent in using a small pair of scissors to cut it to a very short length, which when done properly makes it virtually invisible.

She knows that I know that she deals with this problem, we have been together for years. The only time I ever brought the issue up is when I happened to cut my facial hair very short, and I could feel her sharp hair brushing up against my lip. It completely killed my sex drive (which is basically otherwise impossible) and I essentially told her as gently as possible that "I think you have something on your lip that is brushing up against me, maybe you can take care of it in the bathroom?" She was devastated and I never brought it up again. I still feel bad about it.

Fast forward to today, she isn't keeping up with getting rid of it and I am fairly certain its due to quarantine. She isn't seeing people as often so I assume she is just getting lazy with it. We kissed last night and I could feel it again, basically removing any sexual feeling I had towards her at that moment. I am to the point where I feel like I must do something about it, because she has been letting it grow to a very unfortunate length. To my knowledge, I think I can basically approach it this way:

1) I talk to her about it. I simply tell her what I think and feel, all with the pretext that I love her and I will always find her sexually attractive (somewhat of a white lie). OR

2) I talk to her first, then suggest paying for some treatments. We have talked vaguely before about laser treatment as a possibility as we are fairly well off. She is not interested as the treatment is painful, and she works too much. OR

3) I pay for some treatments with a veil of treating her to something nice, such as a spa day with facial cleanses, massages, but where I also pay for a wax (and let them know ahead of time). OR

4) I simply pay for the facial wax or laser treatment, and don't try to honeydick her with a spa day.

This is not an exhaustive list, just a couple ideas I had that I could use everyone's help with.

What are your thoughts reddit?

TLDR: Wife has a mustache, kills the moment, don't know how to get her to deal with it without hurting her feelings or lowering her self-esteem further.

Throwaway. For starters, I just want to say that this is a difficult subject for me as I love her very deeply and want to do whatever I can do 1) make sure she is not emotionally hurt by my actions, and 2) finally get rid of that awful mustache. I am taking this very seriously, as we are already having some issues in the bedroom and she feels very unattractive as a default (even though she is objectively very beautiful, size 0, and otherwise takes care of her hygiene). The low self-esteem issues run deep, independent of this issue.For some background, my wife is one of those unfortunate souls who get hereditary facial hair, not due to some sort of hormonal or chemical imbalance. Women on her side of the family each deal with this issue differently, some choosing to wax and others choosing to pluck or laser. For the most part, its not noticeable unless there are certain light conditions or she is being lazy. She can be very diligent in using a small pair of scissors to cut it to a very short length, which when done properly makes it virtually invisible.She knows that I know that she deals with this problem, we have been together for years. The only time I ever brought the issue up is when I happened to cut my facial hair very short, and I could feel her sharp hair brushing up against my lip. It completely killed my sex drive (which is basically otherwise impossible) and I essentially told her as gently as possible that "I think you have something on your lip that is brushing up against me, maybe you can take care of it in the bathroom?" She was devastated and I never brought it up again. I still feel bad about it.Fast forward to today, she isn't keeping up with getting rid of it and I am fairly certain its due to quarantine. She isn't seeing people as often so I assume she is just getting lazy with it. We kissed last night and I could feel it again, basically removing any sexual feeling I had towards her at that moment. I am to the point where I feel like I must do something about it, because she has been letting it grow to a very unfortunate length. To my knowledge, I think I can basically approach it this way:1) I talk to her about it. I simply tell her what I think and feel, all with the pretext that I love her and I will always find her sexually attractive (somewhat of a white lie). OR2) I talk to her first, then suggest paying for some treatments. We have talked vaguely before about laser treatment as a possibility as we are fairly well off. She is not interested as the treatment is painful, and she works too much. OR3) I pay for some treatments with a veil of treating her to something nice, such as a spa day with facial cleanses, massages, but where I also pay for a wax (and let them know ahead of time). OR4) I simply pay for the facial wax or laser treatment, and don't try to honeydick her with a spa day.This is not an exhaustive list, just a couple ideas I had that I could use everyone's help with.​What are your thoughts reddit?​TLDR: Wife has a mustache, kills the moment, don't know how to get her to deal with it without hurting her feelings or lowering her self-esteem further.
