Frustrated looking for an endocrinologist that specializes in PCOS when my end goal isn't pregnancy

I am really frustrated. I found a doctor through my regular clinic that checked all the boxes and I scheduled an appointment. A couple days later I get a call from their office stating my insurance doesn't cover the visit because my insurance goes through a different company for all fertility visits.

I told them that I wanted to discuss my hormones and just wanted to see the doctor for the endocrinology side, not because I want to get pregnant. I am trying to figure out how to get everything working like it should be. However! I come to find out that just because it is related to fertility that I have to go through another company. If it had been strictly a general endocrinologist then it would be covered by my insurance.

I went to check out the other company and they are all pregnancy centric. I am not looking to freeze eggs, get pregnant, or start a family. I just want to live my life with balanced hormones without the hirsutism, extreme difficulty to lose weight, and other symptoms. I felt like figuring out my hormone imbalances was the first step.

My next step is to fight it with my insurance company and see if they will cover it since it's for hormones, not pregnancy. Who knows. Wish me luck!

If you have any tips, please feel free to share them with me. I'm sort of at a loss on what some possible avenues that may be available to me could be.

I am really frustrated. I found a doctor through my regular clinic that checked all the boxes and I scheduled an appointment. A couple days later I get a call from their office stating my insurance doesn't cover the visit because my insurance goes through a different company for all fertility visits.I told them that I wanted to discuss my hormones and just wanted to see the doctor for the endocrinology side, not because I want to get pregnant. I am trying to figure out how to get everything working like it should be. However! I come to find out that just because it is related to fertility that I have to go through another company. If it had been strictly a general endocrinologist then it would be covered by my insurance.I went to check out the other company and they are all pregnancy centric. I am not looking to freeze eggs, get pregnant, or start a family. I just want to live my life with balanced hormones without the hirsutism, extreme difficulty to lose weight, and other symptoms. I felt like figuring out my hormone imbalances was the first step.My next step is to fight it with my insurance company and see if they will cover it since it's for hormones, not pregnancy. Who knows. Wish me luck!If you have any tips, please feel free to share them with me. I'm sort of at a loss on what some possible avenues that may be available to me could be.
