Mood disorder or hormone imbalances (if its a thing)?

I'm a 15 year old male, and have always been weird and awkward. Not just the normal weird and awkward, I was always bouncing around like crazy, acting dumb and cringy without thinking, and basically making myself a big target for bullying and being left out. My mom told me I have aspbergers (I was never diagnosed despite seeing pediatricians and psychiatrists), but I really don't fit many of the common symptoms of it.

My other issues that affect me quite often is being easily irritated, even if it is small things like an itch or someone upstairs blowing their nose. When I get irritated, I can go out of control and I go in a rage that can last minutes of me hitting myself, biting myself, having violent thoughts and actions, and yelling. Some of these outbursts have caused many broken items, holes in walls, a broken hand, and things I regret saying. This has also caused me to avoid many activities such as video games and drawing/coloring in fear I might have one of these outbursts, and although I'm not depressed, being angry alot decreases my happiness. I have tried breathing techniques and other ways of calming myself, but these seem to annoy me even more since they don't work.

Over my teen years I've been improving my social behavior, and some people find my energetic personality charming, but I still have some issues, and I dont like how all my life my primary focus was to improve myself in ways that would make others like and accept me. Sometimes I wish I could've ignored how people thought of me and just did what makes me happy instead of being controlled by how people thought of me.

Another thing I experience is lack of attention and boredom often. This happens mainly in school, but I show alot of ADHD-like symptoms, such as hyperactivity and low attention span, although I do not believe I have ADHD.

So, I have always tried to find some kind of answer for why I am the way I am, but I can't decide whether I have a mood disorder, or maybe I just naturally have a very high amount of hormones that cause my irritability and hyperactivity, as well as improper social behavior. If there is anything that could be a possible disorder that could be taken to therapy, or something that would at least decrease the instances of these symptoms, I would appreciate it.

I'm a 15 year old male, and have always been weird and awkward. Not just the normal weird and awkward, I was always bouncing around like crazy, acting dumb and cringy without thinking, and basically making myself a big target for bullying and being left out. My mom told me I have aspbergers (I was never diagnosed despite seeing pediatricians and psychiatrists), but I really don't fit many of the common symptoms of it.My other issues that affect me quite often is being easily irritated, even if it is small things like an itch or someone upstairs blowing their nose. When I get irritated, I can go out of control and I go in a rage that can last minutes of me hitting myself, biting myself, having violent thoughts and actions, and yelling. Some of these outbursts have caused many broken items, holes in walls, a broken hand, and things I regret saying. This has also caused me to avoid many activities such as video games and drawing/coloring in fear I might have one of these outbursts, and although I'm not depressed, being angry alot decreases my happiness. I have tried breathing techniques and other ways of calming myself, but these seem to annoy me even more since they don't work.Over my teen years I've been improving my social behavior, and some people find my energetic personality charming, but I still have some issues, and I dont like how all my life my primary focus was to improve myself in ways that would make others like and accept me. Sometimes I wish I could've ignored how people thought of me and just did what makes me happy instead of being controlled by how people thought of me.Another thing I experience is lack of attention and boredom often. This happens mainly in school, but I show alot of ADHD-like symptoms, such as hyperactivity and low attention span, although I do not believe I have ADHD.So, I have always tried to find some kind of answer for why I am the way I am, but I can't decide whether I have a mood disorder, or maybe I just naturally have a very high amount of hormones that cause my irritability and hyperactivity, as well as improper social behavior. If there is anything that could be a possible disorder that could be taken to therapy, or something that would at least decrease the instances of these symptoms, I would appreciate it.
