Night sweats with absolutely no discernible cause. I’ve ruled out everything any doctor can think of, please help.

For more than half a decade now, since I was a teenager, I’ve been waking up drenched in sweat multiple times a night every night. There’s maybe one night a week when I can actually sleep comfortably without it happening.

The one thing I’m certain of is that it has absolutely nothing to do with temperature, my mattress, bedsheets, or any external cause.

Given that it started during my teenage years, most doctors back then just blamed it “hormones” and “puberty”. Obviously that was bullshit.

Over the years, I’ve been to over a dozen doctors of varied disciplines including many sleep specialists. All that has accomplished was help in ruling out causes.

I don’t have any hormone imbalances, blood sugar problems, nutrient deficiencies, mental health issues, and definitely not cancer. I don’t use drugs. Aside from being sleep deprived, I’m in perfect health. Every doctor is perplexed.

I think the only remaining possibility is some sort of weird neurological issue, because I noticed that it feels like a quick burst of sweating that immediately wakes me up at the moment I’m coming out of a dream, no matter what kind of dream it was. Maybe it has something to do with my sleep cycle? Specifically the REM state, because I also noticed that the sweating usually occurs closer to the morning during my last few hours of sleep, and looking at a sleep cycle graph that matches up with most of the REM time.

For more than half a decade now, since I was a teenager, I’ve been waking up drenched in sweat multiple times a night every night. There’s maybe one night a week when I can actually sleep comfortably without it happening.The one thing I’m certain of is that it has absolutely nothing to do with temperature, my mattress, bedsheets, or any external cause.Given that it started during my teenage years, most doctors back then just blamed it “hormones” and “puberty”. Obviously that was bullshit.Over the years, I’ve been to over a dozen doctors of varied disciplines including many sleep specialists. All that has accomplished was help in ruling out causes.I don’t have any hormone imbalances, blood sugar problems, nutrient deficiencies, mental health issues, and definitely not cancer. I don’t use drugs. Aside from being sleep deprived, I’m in perfect health. Every doctor is perplexed.I think the only remaining possibility is some sort of weird neurological issue, because I noticed that it feels like a quick burst of sweating that immediately wakes me up at the moment I’m coming out of a dream, no matter what kind of dream it was. Maybe it has something to do with my sleep cycle? Specifically the REM state, because I also noticed that the sweating usually occurs closer to the morning during my last few hours of sleep, and looking at a sleep cycle graph that matches up with most of the REM time.
