AGA Advice! 26F

I could write a novel on my hair loss journey, but I’ll summarise! - Started when I was 18 (dermatologist and doctors brushed this off as they thought my hair looked fine) - shortly after starting the contraceptive pill - Dealt with it for around 4 years before becoming increasingly concerned - Ditched the pill - noticed no difference (in loss or growth) so went back on it - Started minoxidil 2 years ago. This worked for a while and I saw new growth around my hairline but after a year it just stopped working? I’m not sure if I got lazy with using it as I saw results. So I’ve been using religiously for a year now. Baby hairs around my hairline but no improvement anywhere else. - I got a blood test around then and found out I had a hormone imbalance (more testosterone than I should have) - unsure if I have PCOS so I’m going to try and get this checked - This year it’s got really bad. I’ve noticed A LOT of hair loss in the shower. It’s so heartbreaking - I have started PRP but I’ve only had one session so no results yet - I am meeting with my doctor who has been treating this and they have recommended going on a higher % of minoxidil but I’m not sure whether to do this!

I’ve read a lot of people having biopsies so if it’s worth it I might give this a go? I’m almost 100% certain it’s AGA. I have done no research on this. But is there ANY treatment that would help AGA? I understand I will never have lovely thick hair but I don’t care anymore. I just want this under control. I’m seriously considering a hair transplant or stem cell therapy. Does this work for people with AGA?!

I’m sure many of you understand this feeling! I am consistently looking at my hair whenever I walk past a mirror, I look at other people’s hair when i’m out or watching TV or anywhere! It’s genuinely taking over my life 😞 Advice would be seriously appreciated x

I could write a novel on my hair loss journey, but I’ll summarise! - Started when I was 18 (dermatologist and doctors brushed this off as they thought my hair looked fine) - shortly after starting the contraceptive pill - Dealt with it for around 4 years before becoming increasingly concerned - Ditched the pill - noticed no difference (in loss or growth) so went back on it - Started minoxidil 2 years ago. This worked for a while and I saw new growth around my hairline but after a year it just stopped working? I’m not sure if I got lazy with using it as I saw results. So I’ve been using religiously for a year now. Baby hairs around my hairline but no improvement anywhere else. - I got a blood test around then and found out I had a hormone imbalance (more testosterone than I should have) - unsure if I have PCOS so I’m going to try and get this checked - This year it’s got really bad. I’ve noticed A LOT of hair loss in the shower. It’s so heartbreaking - I have started PRP but I’ve only had one session so no results yet - I am meeting with my doctor who has been treating this and they have recommended going on a higher % of minoxidil but I’m not sure whether to do this!I’ve read a lot of people having biopsies so if it’s worth it I might give this a go? I’m almost 100% certain it’s AGA. I have done no research on this. But is there ANY treatment that would help AGA? I understand I will never have lovely thick hair but I don’t care anymore. I just want this under control. I’m seriously considering a hair transplant or stem cell therapy. Does this work for people with AGA?!I’m sure many of you understand this feeling! I am consistently looking at my hair whenever I walk past a mirror, I look at other people’s hair when i’m out or watching TV or anywhere! It’s genuinely taking over my life 😞 Advice would be seriously appreciated x
