Does anyone know a good doctor?

I am looking for an obgyn within 5 hours of Cincinnati, Ohio or Fort wayne, Indiana that would hear me out.

I am 18 and have wanted tubal ligation since I was 15 when I learned what they were. I have never wanted children of my own dna. Recently I found out if I got pregnant I would be on bed rest the entire time and me or the baby may not make it. Before this I knew that my family has a postpartum disorder that permanently and severely effects them. It has consistently affected 4 generations of mothers. I have a note from a psychologist, trying to get a note from a cardiologist, and geneticist. I have seen 3 obgyns and talked to 4 about tubal ligation. I have been told I'm delusional, I'm a lier, I need to go somewhere else because they weren't comfortable seeing me anymore (all I did was cry), the risk of my regret outways the risk to my health, and my doctors notes are from "quacks". I am on hormones right now but I am becoming physically violent when over stressed, passing out from the hormone imbalance, and have break through bleeding non-stop. I volunteer/work in a bad part of town and abstinence, is sadly, only a consensual option.

I am looking for an obgyn within 5 hours of Cincinnati, Ohio or Fort wayne, Indiana that would hear me out.I am 18 and have wanted tubal ligation since I was 15 when I learned what they were. I have never wanted children of my own dna. Recently I found out if I got pregnant I would be on bed rest the entire time and me or the baby may not make it. Before this I knew that my family has a postpartum disorder that permanently and severely effects them. It has consistently affected 4 generations of mothers. I have a note from a psychologist, trying to get a note from a cardiologist, and geneticist. I have seen 3 obgyns and talked to 4 about tubal ligation. I have been told I'm delusional, I'm a lier, I need to go somewhere else because they weren't comfortable seeing me anymore (all I did was cry), the risk of my regret outways the risk to my health, and my doctors notes are from "quacks". I am on hormones right now but I am becoming physically violent when over stressed, passing out from the hormone imbalance, and have break through bleeding non-stop. I volunteer/work in a bad part of town and abstinence, is sadly, only a consensual option.
