LL Wife has multiple orgasms every time we have sex...

The problem is we rarely have sex. This year maybe 5 times. Last year about the same.

How is it that my wife can enjoy sex soooooo much (multiple intense PIV clenching pulsating orgasms that turn her flush and make her scream) when it finally happens, but never initiates and rejects me often when I do? Is there an imbalance in hormones?

The problem is we rarely have sex. This year maybe 5 times. Last year about the same.How is it that my wife can enjoy sex soooooo much (multiple intense PIV clenching pulsating orgasms that turn her flush and make her scream) when it finally happens, but never initiates and rejects me often when I do? Is there an imbalance in hormones? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2JfwHud
