Lost and Confused

My wife and I (M) have been pretty consistent and we're coming up on our fifth year in the relationship and we've been married civilly for a couple years now. However, we're trying to have our ceremony in March. Over the past year or so our bedroom activity has plummeted dramatically.

I get off at least once every two days. However, this doesn't seem to have any apparent effects on sexual desire for me because I get off and I'm hard again within a few minutes. It's not difficult for me to get aroused. I've got most kinks and she has none and is unwilling to explore kinks on her own or with me. She also doesn't seem to mind since she understands that I'm up again within minutes.

I've been attempting to initiate sex in various ways. I've listened to how she likes to be touched, likes to be kissed, not kissed, not to touch here and there and everywhere. It's basically come down to a point where when I try to do anything with my so you can put a red overlay over her body and there's maybe one spot on her entire body that may or may not be the answer to sex. I've tried slow. I've tried fast. I've tried spontaneous .I've made hints at having sex by teasing her various ways whether it be kisses, squeezes, looks, and everything else. After attempting initiation of sex multiple times a week for months... I'm tired. I'm so tired.

She got her birth control out because she says it was causing terrible hormonal imbalance. Which I think is very fair. This is very recent. I still wrap my jimmy so we don't end up with any mistakes. We're pretty well off during these trying times so it's definitely not related to anything financial.

She is aware of the problem in the bedroom but hasn't come up with a solution on her own. Maybe you guys have a little bit of advice so I can push her down a path that is much better for her. I've tried talking about this with her directly a few times already.

As far as our bodies go. When we first got into the relationship I'm over 6ft but I weighed maybe 135 lbs for our first 3 years. After getting a better job and feeding myself better I've filled out to about 175 lbs and have pretty much stagnated my weight gains.

My wife was her heaviest about a year ago and has since lost maybe 20 lbs when she was dieting and watching her intake properly. However, she hopped off that wagon and stopped dieting again. I don't mind her weight but there's a breaking point that if she reaches will be very alarming and I'm not sure how I'll ever talk her down. Regardless I still find her beautiful inside and out and I always try to give her the looks of "yes you are very attractive to me".

Anyway, here I am in a place on reddit which I never thought I'd make it to. Am I being the asshole here? Am I making enough effort? Am I trying hard enough? What else can I do in my situation to try and get her in a better place? Is there anything I can do?

I'm feeling incredibly depressed today. Thank you strangers if you have any advice for our relationship. We're both in our 20s so this is a bit weird.

My wife and I (M) have been pretty consistent and we're coming up on our fifth year in the relationship and we've been married civilly for a couple years now. However, we're trying to have our ceremony in March. Over the past year or so our bedroom activity has plummeted dramatically.​I get off at least once every two days. However, this doesn't seem to have any apparent effects on sexual desire for me because I get off and I'm hard again within a few minutes. It's not difficult for me to get aroused. I've got most kinks and she has none and is unwilling to explore kinks on her own or with me. She also doesn't seem to mind since she understands that I'm up again within minutes.​I've been attempting to initiate sex in various ways. I've listened to how she likes to be touched, likes to be kissed, not kissed, not to touch here and there and everywhere. It's basically come down to a point where when I try to do anything with my so you can put a red overlay over her body and there's maybe one spot on her entire body that may or may not be the answer to sex. I've tried slow. I've tried fast. I've tried spontaneous .I've made hints at having sex by teasing her various ways whether it be kisses, squeezes, looks, and everything else. After attempting initiation of sex multiple times a week for months... I'm tired. I'm so tired.​She got her birth control out because she says it was causing terrible hormonal imbalance. Which I think is very fair. This is very recent. I still wrap my jimmy so we don't end up with any mistakes. We're pretty well off during these trying times so it's definitely not related to anything financial.​She is aware of the problem in the bedroom but hasn't come up with a solution on her own. Maybe you guys have a little bit of advice so I can push her down a path that is much better for her. I've tried talking about this with her directly a few times already.​As far as our bodies go. When we first got into the relationship I'm over 6ft but I weighed maybe 135 lbs for our first 3 years. After getting a better job and feeding myself better I've filled out to about 175 lbs and have pretty much stagnated my weight gains.​My wife was her heaviest about a year ago and has since lost maybe 20 lbs when she was dieting and watching her intake properly. However, she hopped off that wagon and stopped dieting again. I don't mind her weight but there's a breaking point that if she reaches will be very alarming and I'm not sure how I'll ever talk her down. Regardless I still find her beautiful inside and out and I always try to give her the looks of "yes you are very attractive to me".​Anyway, here I am in a place on reddit which I never thought I'd make it to. Am I being the asshole here? Am I making enough effort? Am I trying hard enough? What else can I do in my situation to try and get her in a better place? Is there anything I can do?​I'm feeling incredibly depressed today. Thank you strangers if you have any advice for our relationship. We're both in our 20s so this is a bit weird. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/39paqVl
