Possible more health problems since ovarian laparoscopic surgery?

I have a question for all my endo warriors out there. I had my surgery in July 2020, and increasingly, I've had more and more tender and sore breasts since the surgery, along with finding out I have a mass in my breast that they believe is noncancerous (about the size of an almond, but new as of September when it was found). They do not want to biopsy it unless it gets bigger. I've just been having more problems all around, ever since my surgery...

Can having surgery for Endometriosis or in general female reproductive system, can it cause other health issues as well? Can it cause a hormonal imbalance? My hair has thinned out some and it's always been really thick.

I started birth control in October, I'm a week away from finishing my second pack of BC. I am on Emoquette. Some things have lessened a little, but others have increased in being problematic.

*headaches 2-4 days at a time *acne on face, chest, and back *sore and tender breasts (I'm now at least 4 months into sore breasts and its awful) *almond size lump in breast *increasing pressure building up around my right ovary of pelvic area *pain in tailbone, back, and hips (mostly right side) that radiate down my right leg *difficulty walking due to pain in hip, tailbone, and leg *coughing/sneezing causes extreme sharp pain in right ovary/pelvic area (I'm terrified to do either as it causes me to curl up in pain) *cramping upon having the slightest urge to use the bathroom *cramping after peeing, and cramping leading up to needing to poop *bowel movements are always soft ever since surgery, its borderline diarrhea

I just need some advice or support, it's all really taking a toll on me. I've already had to leave my one job before they fired me because I couldn't keep up anymore after my surgery. I've since found another job and it is not as strenuous on me, but still makes me exhausted.

I have a question for all my endo warriors out there. I had my surgery in July 2020, and increasingly, I've had more and more tender and sore breasts since the surgery, along with finding out I have a mass in my breast that they believe is noncancerous (about the size of an almond, but new as of September when it was found). They do not want to biopsy it unless it gets bigger. I've just been having more problems all around, ever since my surgery...Can having surgery for Endometriosis or in general female reproductive system, can it cause other health issues as well? Can it cause a hormonal imbalance? My hair has thinned out some and it's always been really thick.I started birth control in October, I'm a week away from finishing my second pack of BC. I am on Emoquette. Some things have lessened a little, but others have increased in being problematic.*headaches 2-4 days at a time *acne on face, chest, and back *sore and tender breasts (I'm now at least 4 months into sore breasts and its awful) *almond size lump in breast *increasing pressure building up around my right ovary of pelvic area *pain in tailbone, back, and hips (mostly right side) that radiate down my right leg *difficulty walking due to pain in hip, tailbone, and leg *coughing/sneezing causes extreme sharp pain in right ovary/pelvic area (I'm terrified to do either as it causes me to curl up in pain) *cramping upon having the slightest urge to use the bathroom *cramping after peeing, and cramping leading up to needing to poop *bowel movements are always soft ever since surgery, its borderline diarrheaI just need some advice or support, it's all really taking a toll on me. I've already had to leave my one job before they fired me because I couldn't keep up anymore after my surgery. I've since found another job and it is not as strenuous on me, but still makes me exhausted. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/36sFvWp
