[Product Question] Has anyone had success with a topical DHT blocker?

I’m 22 and I’ve been on a high dose birth control since high school and my skin has been pretty much perfect since then... until recently. This year I started weight lifting almost every day and I’ve put on a ton of muscle. For some reason my gains coincide with developing this inflamed, cystic type acne on my chin- you know the kind that comes from a hormonal imbalance. I’ve been taking better care of my skin than ever since this started (probably dropped thousands on expensive lines by now- I was literally a bar of soap kind of girl before) but of course it doesn’t help. My scale has a feature that predicts body fat (probably not super accurate but it says like ~15%) and I’m also vegan so I’m kind of mystified as to why I’m so lucky as to be having a random hormonal imbalance like this when I haven’t even gained weight or anything. Part of me really thinks it’s a testosterone increase or something like that from putting on muscle maybe? I’m on the highest dose of birth control that exists (50mg ethinyl estradiol) and I am not interested in taking something like spironolactone on top of this. I tried taking some supplements that are supposed to help regulate hormones and they made me sick to my stomach so that is off the table. I have a sensitive stomach so I can’t eat much or take pills or I will puke them up so I want to try something topical. I’m wondering, has anyone tried any type of topical DHT blocker before? A lot of the skincare I use has ingredients that are supposed to be a natural remedy for this type of thing but I don’t see any improvement... I’m thinking maybe I need something stronger and am planning a visit to the derm but I wanted to see if anyone has tried this yet! I guess I’m lucky that this is happening to me when masks are mandatory but I still feel hideous now and I’m desperate.

I’m 22 and I’ve been on a high dose birth control since high school and my skin has been pretty much perfect since then... until recently. This year I started weight lifting almost every day and I’ve put on a ton of muscle. For some reason my gains coincide with developing this inflamed, cystic type acne on my chin- you know the kind that comes from a hormonal imbalance. I’ve been taking better care of my skin than ever since this started (probably dropped thousands on expensive lines by now- I was literally a bar of soap kind of girl before) but of course it doesn’t help. My scale has a feature that predicts body fat (probably not super accurate but it says like ~15%) and I’m also vegan so I’m kind of mystified as to why I’m so lucky as to be having a random hormonal imbalance like this when I haven’t even gained weight or anything. Part of me really thinks it’s a testosterone increase or something like that from putting on muscle maybe? I’m on the highest dose of birth control that exists (50mg ethinyl estradiol) and I am not interested in taking something like spironolactone on top of this. I tried taking some supplements that are supposed to help regulate hormones and they made me sick to my stomach so that is off the table. I have a sensitive stomach so I can’t eat much or take pills or I will puke them up so I want to try something topical. I’m wondering, has anyone tried any type of topical DHT blocker before? A lot of the skincare I use has ingredients that are supposed to be a natural remedy for this type of thing but I don’t see any improvement... I’m thinking maybe I need something stronger and am planning a visit to the derm but I wanted to see if anyone has tried this yet! I guess I’m lucky that this is happening to me when masks are mandatory but I still feel hideous now and I’m desperate. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2VkJFcn
