Can PF affect cortisol levels same as cortisol levels affect PF?

Im 24 years old male, 2 years ago i fall on my coccyx and got it dislocated(but i didnt know untill 2 years later when the bone have already calcificated and cant be fixed or realigned) a few days later i wake up feeling severe fatigue, anxiety, depression, cold. I didnt care a lot about it and i continued life as usuall but symptoms got worse over time and i started to notice that i feel the urge to go to toilet less often than usual, at first i thought it was just lazy bowels or some hormonal imbalance thats causing all my symptoms. What i did is, i went to my doctor asking for hormonal blood test, test showed very high levels of cortisol, my doctor decided that i have depression but he asked me to change way of life and. But there was not much to change since i always used to go to gym, eat healthy, but i staerted to pray and meditated to reduce cortisol as much as possible, meantime i started to notice constipation, it took me 3-4 days to feel the urge to go to toilet, started to have abdominal pain, painfull erections and ejaculations, same period i cut my hair and took an individual hair to notice that half of the hair is so black and shinny while the other half was dry and greyish, like there was a sudden change i started to have very visible wrinkles and very big dark circles. I got so scared it felt like my body is falling apart. 2 months after first blood test i did another test to find out that my cortisol levels are even higher than before(1st test 500 2nd test 750 while max of normal range was 450) my doctor put me on antidepressants immediatly before trying to figure out whats causing my high cortisol levels. While on antidepressants all that changed is that i coudnt get angry or sad even in situiation where i should be, it turns off all feelings and make you stuck in happy state. While pain and constipation persisted. So at this point i realized that depression wasnt the case here so i asked my doctor how to stop the drug. Took the drug for 3 months, first 2 months 1 pill a day, 1 month half a pill a day. After i stopped the drug my symptoms got much much worse. Now i need 7-10 days to feel the urge to go to toilet. Like 1 year ago my doctor agreed to perform abdominal and pelvic CT for my abdominal pain and contipation. When CT results came out, my doctor said everything is okay and there is 0 pathologies. And said that my anxiety causing me to hallucinate pains. I started to search net for answers and found about this subreddit where i found out that i have pelvic floor dysfunction, i went to a PT who confirmed my PFD, i started to read about PFD and found that it can be caused by direct injury to the coccyx. I uploaded my CT into my laptop to check my coccyx. And found out that i have an old fracture of the coccyx. It was dislocated anteriorly into anal area.(im a 6th year medical student) It also was confirmed by a private radiologist Now my question is in the title. I never had any symptoms of depression or anxiety before this injury, i used to be athletic, i exercised everyday during my whole life. I had very healthy life. Never smoked weeds or drinked alchohol, i dont even smoke cigarettes. One of medical srudents who is a friend of mine explained to me that my pelvic muscles have tightened as a protection responce to coccyx injury which have caused constant high cortisol levels which is affecting my mood and emotions. And im trying to figure out if this is true or not. Have anyone had such experience? Whatever is happening to me, i dont wish this to my worst enemeis.

Im 24 years old male, 2 years ago i fall on my coccyx and got it dislocated(but i didnt know untill 2 years later when the bone have already calcificated and cant be fixed or realigned) a few days later i wake up feeling severe fatigue, anxiety, depression, cold. I didnt care a lot about it and i continued life as usuall but symptoms got worse over time and i started to notice that i feel the urge to go to toilet less often than usual, at first i thought it was just lazy bowels or some hormonal imbalance thats causing all my symptoms. What i did is, i went to my doctor asking for hormonal blood test, test showed very high levels of cortisol, my doctor decided that i have depression but he asked me to change way of life and. But there was not much to change since i always used to go to gym, eat healthy, but i staerted to pray and meditated to reduce cortisol as much as possible, meantime i started to notice constipation, it took me 3-4 days to feel the urge to go to toilet, started to have abdominal pain, painfull erections and ejaculations, same period i cut my hair and took an individual hair to notice that half of the hair is so black and shinny while the other half was dry and greyish, like there was a sudden change i started to have very visible wrinkles and very big dark circles. I got so scared it felt like my body is falling apart. 2 months after first blood test i did another test to find out that my cortisol levels are even higher than before(1st test 500 2nd test 750 while max of normal range was 450) my doctor put me on antidepressants immediatly before trying to figure out whats causing my high cortisol levels. While on antidepressants all that changed is that i coudnt get angry or sad even in situiation where i should be, it turns off all feelings and make you stuck in happy state. While pain and constipation persisted. So at this point i realized that depression wasnt the case here so i asked my doctor how to stop the drug. Took the drug for 3 months, first 2 months 1 pill a day, 1 month half a pill a day. After i stopped the drug my symptoms got much much worse. Now i need 7-10 days to feel the urge to go to toilet. Like 1 year ago my doctor agreed to perform abdominal and pelvic CT for my abdominal pain and contipation. When CT results came out, my doctor said everything is okay and there is 0 pathologies. And said that my anxiety causing me to hallucinate pains. I started to search net for answers and found about this subreddit where i found out that i have pelvic floor dysfunction, i went to a PT who confirmed my PFD, i started to read about PFD and found that it can be caused by direct injury to the coccyx. I uploaded my CT into my laptop to check my coccyx. And found out that i have an old fracture of the coccyx. It was dislocated anteriorly into anal area.(im a 6th year medical student) It also was confirmed by a private radiologist Now my question is in the title. I never had any symptoms of depression or anxiety before this injury, i used to be athletic, i exercised everyday during my whole life. I had very healthy life. Never smoked weeds or drinked alchohol, i dont even smoke cigarettes. One of medical srudents who is a friend of mine explained to me that my pelvic muscles have tightened as a protection responce to coccyx injury which have caused constant high cortisol levels which is affecting my mood and emotions. And im trying to figure out if this is true or not. Have anyone had such experience? Whatever is happening to me, i dont wish this to my worst enemeis.
