Is it possible to have a hormone imbalance without the visible symptoms other than hair loss/thinning?

The only things I haven't done to figure out what's causing my hair loss/thinning is a biopsy and checking my hormone levels. I'm really dreading the biopsy and I kind of wish that I have a hormone imbalance so I can fix this.

The thing is, I have no symptoms of hormone imbalance. I've always had a regular and consistent period, no acne for more than 10 years (just the occasional pimple or two), no deep voice, or any of the symptoms I've researched online.

I just want to know from your experiences if it's actually possible to have hormones be the culprit while having none of the other symptoms? Or should I just go straight for the biopsy?

The only things I haven't done to figure out what's causing my hair loss/thinning is a biopsy and checking my hormone levels. I'm really dreading the biopsy and I kind of wish that I have a hormone imbalance so I can fix this.The thing is, I have no symptoms of hormone imbalance. I've always had a regular and consistent period, no acne for more than 10 years (just the occasional pimple or two), no deep voice, or any of the symptoms I've researched online.I just want to know from your experiences if it's actually possible to have hormones be the culprit while having none of the other symptoms? Or should I just go straight for the biopsy?
