white lesion on tonsil just keeps getting bigger and more painful. cant talk, cant eat, huge ear ache

i (21f) have been having health issues all year. iv been diagnosed with pelvic floor hypertension/ interstitial cystitis, and hormone imbalances, so iv dealt with a ton of pelvic and back pain this year. i have also dealt with chronic fatigue and migraines since i was 14 and i guess my neurologist chalked that up to bad mental health. starting in october 2019 (the very beginning of my pelvic pain and slight, slight back pain, didnt really get severe and chronic every day until April) i began having painful lumps in my armpit that would go away after a few months. my primary never looked further into it once i actually went to a doctor about it this year (late march), they said because of covid everything is backed up and if im still getting armpit lumps in a few months they can do an ultrasound. i waited so long to go to the doctor because i was trying to find a new doctor, as i could not see my pediatrician any longer. anyways the armpit ultrasound never happened, which is fine i guess cuz i dont have more painful lumps, however its not uncommon for me to have a ton of tenderness and pain in my armpits. i went to the dentist one month ago and my dentist commented on a cyst-like lymph below my chin and tongue, and on the side of my jaw. my partner told me that for the last two months, i have had death breath. iv lately had a thick yellow coating on my tongue that comes back within an hour or two after tongue scraping, and have metallic tastes in my mouth a lot. it has given me a fair amount of stress considering i have great oral hygiene and even my dentist was very pleased with my mouth last month. i didnt realize that our tonsils are deep and porous, so after i was told my breath was bad, i started looking. i saw white stones very easily in the little tonsil divots and got them out, but my breath stayed terrible. so last week i kept digging around and figured out theres even deeper and more hidden divots in your tonsils that i didnt even know were there. well. i dug out about 10 stones just from my right tonsil on christmas with a cotton swab. i guess my adrenaline was really pumping, i was in no pain at the time, but i believe me using the cotton swab for a half hour straight digging out these stones has given me the most terrible sore iv ever experienced. some stones were stuck deep and i just couldnt not get them out in that moment. i also got a HUGE stone out of my left tonsil, i was in shock. every day since christmas, the lesion has gotten bigger and my pain has been worse. it hurts to swallow, and im choosing not to speak out loud today or eat. please understand, im hesitant to go to the doctor. they have been extremely unhelpful up until this point, and i dont see why theyd start being helpful now. i realize that tonsil stones can be formed more commonly in people with large tonsils, but i recognize that my tonsils arent the only swollen lymphs i have had this year, and frankly id like to get to the bottom of my symptoms rather than just treating the symptoms themselves. i notice lately too, that my throat feels constricted and tight, and when i swallow food it feels like it gets stuck at the back of my throat as well as further down my esophagus. not a fan of them suggesting a tonsillectomy, sure they could take my tonsils but wont i still be having other swollen and painful lymphs popping up? and i am not cool with steroids, i refuse. id like a doctor to listen to me and all of my symptoms as a whole and not shrug me off when im opposed to surgery and steroids, but i cannot afford a naturopath or a homeopathic doctor at the moment, im on medicaid. i know there are good allopathic doctors, i have just not come into contact with one yet that has actually listened to me. sad because im in the Ann Arbor/ University of Michigan area, where health care is supposed to be .... really good? im just looking for relief and advice on moving forward. iv attached a photo of my tonsil here thank you for listening

i (21f) have been having health issues all year. iv been diagnosed with pelvic floor hypertension/ interstitial cystitis, and hormone imbalances, so iv dealt with a ton of pelvic and back pain this year. i have also dealt with chronic fatigue and migraines since i was 14 and i guess my neurologist chalked that up to bad mental health. starting in october 2019 (the very beginning of my pelvic pain and slight, slight back pain, didnt really get severe and chronic every day until April) i began having painful lumps in my armpit that would go away after a few months. my primary never looked further into it once i actually went to a doctor about it this year (late march), they said because of covid everything is backed up and if im still getting armpit lumps in a few months they can do an ultrasound. i waited so long to go to the doctor because i was trying to find a new doctor, as i could not see my pediatrician any longer. anyways the armpit ultrasound never happened, which is fine i guess cuz i dont have more painful lumps, however its not uncommon for me to have a ton of tenderness and pain in my armpits. i went to the dentist one month ago and my dentist commented on a cyst-like lymph below my chin and tongue, and on the side of my jaw. my partner told me that for the last two months, i have had death breath. iv lately had a thick yellow coating on my tongue that comes back within an hour or two after tongue scraping, and have metallic tastes in my mouth a lot. it has given me a fair amount of stress considering i have great oral hygiene and even my dentist was very pleased with my mouth last month. i didnt realize that our tonsils are deep and porous, so after i was told my breath was bad, i started looking. i saw white stones very easily in the little tonsil divots and got them out, but my breath stayed terrible. so last week i kept digging around and figured out theres even deeper and more hidden divots in your tonsils that i didnt even know were there. well. i dug out about 10 stones just from my right tonsil on christmas with a cotton swab. i guess my adrenaline was really pumping, i was in no pain at the time, but i believe me using the cotton swab for a half hour straight digging out these stones has given me the most terrible sore iv ever experienced. some stones were stuck deep and i just couldnt not get them out in that moment. i also got a HUGE stone out of my left tonsil, i was in shock. every day since christmas, the lesion has gotten bigger and my pain has been worse. it hurts to swallow, and im choosing not to speak out loud today or eat. please understand, im hesitant to go to the doctor. they have been extremely unhelpful up until this point, and i dont see why theyd start being helpful now. i realize that tonsil stones can be formed more commonly in people with large tonsils, but i recognize that my tonsils arent the only swollen lymphs i have had this year, and frankly id like to get to the bottom of my symptoms rather than just treating the symptoms themselves. i notice lately too, that my throat feels constricted and tight, and when i swallow food it feels like it gets stuck at the back of my throat as well as further down my esophagus. not a fan of them suggesting a tonsillectomy, sure they could take my tonsils but wont i still be having other swollen and painful lymphs popping up? and i am not cool with steroids, i refuse. id like a doctor to listen to me and all of my symptoms as a whole and not shrug me off when im opposed to surgery and steroids, but i cannot afford a naturopath or a homeopathic doctor at the moment, im on medicaid. i know there are good allopathic doctors, i have just not come into contact with one yet that has actually listened to me. sad because im in the Ann Arbor/ University of Michigan area, where health care is supposed to be .... really good? im just looking for relief and advice on moving forward. iv attached a photo of my tonsil here thank you for listening https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2WUhUrZ
