App for chronic conditions for females

Hi all, I have PCOS and Hashimoto's and stumbled upon a company called Pollie on Instagram several weeks ago. They are building a digital product for PCOS and after doing some more research on their social page / listening to podcasts it seems like their goal is to build digital apps for women struggling with chronic illnesses like hormone imbalances, autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, etc. -- if you are interested in falling along, you can check it out here:

PS - I am just a few weeks new to Reddit, but have been so inspired by the communities like this one built around chronic illness!

Hi all, I have PCOS and Hashimoto's and stumbled upon a company called Pollie on Instagram several weeks ago. They are building a digital product for PCOS and after doing some more research on their social page / listening to podcasts it seems like their goal is to build digital apps for women struggling with chronic illnesses like hormone imbalances, autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, etc. -- if you are interested in falling along, you can check it out here: - I am just a few weeks new to Reddit, but have been so inspired by the communities like this one built around chronic illness!
