Could the pill cause cystic acne to come back?

So, I used to have rly bad cystic acne in middle school, a couple years back. Since then, my acne has largely cleared and is nonexistent for the most part. Recently, I’ve been thinking of trying the pill for the first time, but I’ve never tried any other hormonal bc and I’m rly concerned it might cause a hormonal imbalance, causing cystic acne again. Would this be a valid concern? Unfortunately, I don’t rly have a reference point as to how my body would react to it since my mom has never taken the pill and she had the same cystic acne I had growing up so I suspect our hormones are rly similar. What also worries me is that a doctor wouldn’t take my concerns of acne recurring rly seriously either as I have clear skin currently. How would I approach this? I know questions about acne have been asked a billion times here, but I would rly love to hear from other people that had cystic acne cleared before taking the pill and if it ever caused any problems while on it. Thank you in advance, rly appreciated!

So, I used to have rly bad cystic acne in middle school, a couple years back. Since then, my acne has largely cleared and is nonexistent for the most part. Recently, I’ve been thinking of trying the pill for the first time, but I’ve never tried any other hormonal bc and I’m rly concerned it might cause a hormonal imbalance, causing cystic acne again. Would this be a valid concern? Unfortunately, I don’t rly have a reference point as to how my body would react to it since my mom has never taken the pill and she had the same cystic acne I had growing up so I suspect our hormones are rly similar. What also worries me is that a doctor wouldn’t take my concerns of acne recurring rly seriously either as I have clear skin currently. How would I approach this? I know questions about acne have been asked a billion times here, but I would rly love to hear from other people that had cystic acne cleared before taking the pill and if it ever caused any problems while on it. Thank you in advance, rly appreciated!
