Feel like I have no options - hormone disaster

Sorry this is long, but at this point I am just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and found a way out to give me some hope lol.

Hi! Was diagnosed last year in July. My TSH and T4 were in ideal range, but my TPO antibodies were crazy high, around 1700 units/mL. My endocrinologist said the only thing I can do is just wait until my body destroyed my thyroid enough that I would need medication, and to get tested every year.

Without any help from my endo, I did a little of my own research and have not had any gluten since last August, and I’ve also cleaned up my diet quite a bit. As far as I know, I’m not really having any Hashimotos symptoms, I feel fine.

Here’s my issue- I feel like I will never be “ok” because I am (and have been, for a long time) having issues with hormonal imbalances. I know the thyroid controls hormones, but my endocrinologist literally said he can’t help me with that if I think my estrogen/progesterone/testosterone may be out of wack.

I went on the hormonal birth control pill when I was 17 because of irregular periods. I would only get a period 3 times a year. My period has never been regular, even now. I was on the mini pill first, but then switched to the combo estrogen/progesterone pill 2 years later because of bad acne, which cleared up right away. I have been on and off the combo HBC pill for the past 7 years. Every time I went off it, my period would be extremely irregular and infrequent/missing periods, and I’d get bad acne and tender breasts in seemingly random intervals. have been off of the pill it 1 year now, and my acne is driving me fucking crazy. I also haven’t had a period since early November.

The acne is only on my chin, but it comes with a vengeance: large cystic acne that hurts and never lets up. It’s not something I can ignore. And my boobs are tender almost all the time. Pretty obvious that it’s a hormonal issue, right? Well I’ve been trying to figure this issue out for 3 years now, but I just now realized that my gyno sucks and never did ANYTHING to figure out what may be causing it and instead only pushed me to take the pill.

At this point, I want to go back on the pill because the acne is so bad, BUT I have read through this sub and so many people have said that the combo pill made their Hashimotos worse, or that it wasn’t recommended to be taken while also having Hashimotos.

Are there any other options? As stated I’ve already cut out gluten completely, eat in a slightly calorie deficient diet most days to maintain a healthy weight, and exercise semi-regularly. I have experimented with cutting out dairy for a month, but no change in acne. I also take a multivitamin that contains Zinc, Vitamin D, A, and B12 (I see people recommend these for acne).

All I know is that my hormones are fucked and it doesn’t seem like I can really do anything about it besides to back on the combo pill and irritate my immune system/Hashimotos even more.

Sorry this is long, but at this point I am just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and found a way out to give me some hope lol.Hi! Was diagnosed last year in July. My TSH and T4 were in ideal range, but my TPO antibodies were crazy high, around 1700 units/mL. My endocrinologist said the only thing I can do is just wait until my body destroyed my thyroid enough that I would need medication, and to get tested every year.Without any help from my endo, I did a little of my own research and have not had any gluten since last August, and I’ve also cleaned up my diet quite a bit. As far as I know, I’m not really having any Hashimotos symptoms, I feel fine.Here’s my issue- I feel like I will never be “ok” because I am (and have been, for a long time) having issues with hormonal imbalances. I know the thyroid controls hormones, but my endocrinologist literally said he can’t help me with that if I think my estrogen/progesterone/testosterone may be out of wack.I went on the hormonal birth control pill when I was 17 because of irregular periods. I would only get a period 3 times a year. My period has never been regular, even now. I was on the mini pill first, but then switched to the combo estrogen/progesterone pill 2 years later because of bad acne, which cleared up right away. I have been on and off the combo HBC pill for the past 7 years. Every time I went off it, my period would be extremely irregular and infrequent/missing periods, and I’d get bad acne and tender breasts in seemingly random intervals. have been off of the pill it 1 year now, and my acne is driving me fucking crazy. I also haven’t had a period since early November.The acne is only on my chin, but it comes with a vengeance: large cystic acne that hurts and never lets up. It’s not something I can ignore. And my boobs are tender almost all the time. Pretty obvious that it’s a hormonal issue, right? Well I’ve been trying to figure this issue out for 3 years now, but I just now realized that my gyno sucks and never did ANYTHING to figure out what may be causing it and instead only pushed me to take the pill.At this point, I want to go back on the pill because the acne is so bad, BUT I have read through this sub and so many people have said that the combo pill made their Hashimotos worse, or that it wasn’t recommended to be taken while also having Hashimotos.Are there any other options? As stated I’ve already cut out gluten completely, eat in a slightly calorie deficient diet most days to maintain a healthy weight, and exercise semi-regularly. I have experimented with cutting out dairy for a month, but no change in acne. I also take a multivitamin that contains Zinc, Vitamin D, A, and B12 (I see people recommend these for acne).All I know is that my hormones are fucked and it doesn’t seem like I can really do anything about it besides to back on the combo pill and irritate my immune system/Hashimotos even more. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3akEvnS
