Hypersensitivity to all meds?

Is there anyone here who's essentially allergic to all medications? I developed dysautonomia from withdrawing from prozac, and since then I haven't been able to tolerate anything oral or topical, except for Tylenol (thankfully) and probiotics (I think...). It's driving me crazy -- I have a severe hormone imbalance that I can't fix because of this. Anyone else? How do you cope?

Is there anyone here who's essentially allergic to all medications? I developed dysautonomia from withdrawing from prozac, and since then I haven't been able to tolerate anything oral or topical, except for Tylenol (thankfully) and probiotics (I think...). It's driving me crazy -- I have a severe hormone imbalance that I can't fix because of this. Anyone else? How do you cope? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3j69jMX
