nipple pain :(

Hi everyone, kind've a weird question: I'm 23 not pregnant at all, and I noticed lately that whenever it's cold my nipples hurt like hell, it's like they're on fire, and even after I've warmed the area it still can last up to an hour after, also I notice it happens when I exercise. It never used to happen before, and I mentioned I'm not pregnant because I looked it up online and a lot of the sites mention pregnancy as a cause.

why did it start happening now at age 23 out of the blue, is it a warning sign for hormonal imbalance? and please please please how do I stop it from happening?

I do have an unrelated phone call appointment with my family doctor tomorrow but tbh I feel uncomfortable sharing it with him, a) because I don't know if it's something I should ask him or a obgyn or something, b) I don't want him to think I'm stupid and dismiss it/me because dude you're just cold, it happens to everyone what are you stupid, kind of thing.

thank you for any answer whatsoever :)

Hi everyone, kind've a weird question: I'm 23 not pregnant at all, and I noticed lately that whenever it's cold my nipples hurt like hell, it's like they're on fire, and even after I've warmed the area it still can last up to an hour after, also I notice it happens when I exercise. It never used to happen before, and I mentioned I'm not pregnant because I looked it up online and a lot of the sites mention pregnancy as a cause.why did it start happening now at age 23 out of the blue, is it a warning sign for hormonal imbalance? and please please please how do I stop it from happening?I do have an unrelated phone call appointment with my family doctor tomorrow but tbh I feel uncomfortable sharing it with him, a) because I don't know if it's something I should ask him or a obgyn or something, b) I don't want him to think I'm stupid and dismiss it/me because dude you're just cold, it happens to everyone what are you stupid, kind of thing.thank you for any answer whatsoever :)
