That post on the infamous ranting subreddit with 14k upvotes where they rant about their hatred for fat people makes me sick

How fatphobia is so prevalent and accepted everywhere pisses me off. I’m so sick and tired of all this hatred just because I have the gall to be obese and simply exist. Why people can’t understand that this bigotry is just as bad as hating someone for their gender, race, color of their skin etc.

Generalizing all obese people and “they all act this way! They’re just the same as my terrible mom!” Is extremely fucked up. There’s plenty of fat people, me included, who are aware of our fatness and how it’s unhealthy. There’s also fat people like me who are just living our lives and doing NO harm to you because we just happen to be fat. Also, extremes on both ends of the spectrum, being too fat or too skinny, is unhealthy. But yet skinny people aren’t shamed for being unhealthy because being skinny is socially acceptable, not being fat.

Not to mention that plenty of obese people are obese because of medical conditions. Or because they’re poor. It’s hard as fuck to not be obese if you have a hormonal imbalance. I couldn’t lose weight for shit before being put on plenty of meds. I would sleep for hours on end from being so fatigued and drained of energy and depressed as hell, and only eat one meal a day because I was sleeping so much, and didn’t lose hardly any weight.

I’ve made plenty of lifestyle changes but like, god fatphobia pisses me off so much. The last gynecologist I saw basically waved off my PCOS concerns and said weight loss was the only way to treat this condition. And that’s after I’ve already lost 80 pounds at that point and if he looked closer at my weight over visits he’d see that. Luckily I have an endo who takes my condition more seriously.

Stop hating obese people just because they’re fat. Just leave us alone ffs.

How fatphobia is so prevalent and accepted everywhere pisses me off. I’m so sick and tired of all this hatred just because I have the gall to be obese and simply exist. Why people can’t understand that this bigotry is just as bad as hating someone for their gender, race, color of their skin etc.Generalizing all obese people and “they all act this way! They’re just the same as my terrible mom!” Is extremely fucked up. There’s plenty of fat people, me included, who are aware of our fatness and how it’s unhealthy. There’s also fat people like me who are just living our lives and doing NO harm to you because we just happen to be fat. Also, extremes on both ends of the spectrum, being too fat or too skinny, is unhealthy. But yet skinny people aren’t shamed for being unhealthy because being skinny is socially acceptable, not being fat.Not to mention that plenty of obese people are obese because of medical conditions. Or because they’re poor. It’s hard as fuck to not be obese if you have a hormonal imbalance. I couldn’t lose weight for shit before being put on plenty of meds. I would sleep for hours on end from being so fatigued and drained of energy and depressed as hell, and only eat one meal a day because I was sleeping so much, and didn’t lose hardly any weight.I’ve made plenty of lifestyle changes but like, god fatphobia pisses me off so much. The last gynecologist I saw basically waved off my PCOS concerns and said weight loss was the only way to treat this condition. And that’s after I’ve already lost 80 pounds at that point and if he looked closer at my weight over visits he’d see that. Luckily I have an endo who takes my condition more seriously.Stop hating obese people just because they’re fat. Just leave us alone ffs.
