Are these symptoms possibly linked together?

I’ve (22F) been trying to understand my body for the past year after figuring out that my body may be really out of whack with everything. I think all of my problems are linked together somehow but I’m not completely sure how or why. I understand that getting opinions online isn’t the same as a doctor but I can’t go to a functional medicine doctor as I don’t have the financial abilities.

  1. Eczema I’ve had eczema for as long as I’ve known and I’ve tried everything to get rid of it— I started Dupixent which is like a immunosuppressant shot every two weeks which seems to be working well except for the fact that now I have eczema on other places of my body.

  2. Deficiencies I was only tested at my obgyn in another country last year, but I was deficient in vitamin d, folate acid, and vitamin. B something and I suspect I may have more but I’m not sure as I just arrived back in the states this past week and haven’t had the chance to go the doctors.

  3. Depression and anxiety Starting when I was 11? It all of a sudden came up and it goes up and down but my anxiety brings me such strong worries and stresses that I can physically feel my heart race and I get dizzy at points. I’ve tried calming myself down because I heard high stress means draining of magnesium and then all vitamin s too.

  4. IBS I was diagnosed with this my freshman year after a traumatic episode with my step father. After that, I always seem to be constipated and I’ve gone days without going to the bathroom which hurts my tummy and makes me more anxiety and stressed.

  5. Extreme Irregular Periods/PCOS I’ve had weird periods since I’ve gotten them at 12. I’ve had one year where I didn’t have any and then the next I had periods for almost entire months with a couple days in between. Last year I went to the doctor and she made me go on Yaz for 6 months to see if I could balance my hormonal imbalance a, I did and then I got tested in January 2021 with results coming back with all basically normal again. However since coming off the birth control I have no period, I get cramps but I haven’t had my period yet and it’s been almost a month and a half. I’m extremely concerned about this one because I want to have children in the future but I’m afraid I have fertility issues or the birth control messed me up even more.

I believe these are all linked together somehow and maybe it’s caused by severe stress I experienced from a young age until now but I feel disheartened by going to conventional doctors and receiving medicine after medicine with little to no help.

I’ve (22F) been trying to understand my body for the past year after figuring out that my body may be really out of whack with everything. I think all of my problems are linked together somehow but I’m not completely sure how or why. I understand that getting opinions online isn’t the same as a doctor but I can’t go to a functional medicine doctor as I don’t have the financial abilities.Eczema I’ve had eczema for as long as I’ve known and I’ve tried everything to get rid of it— I started Dupixent which is like a immunosuppressant shot every two weeks which seems to be working well except for the fact that now I have eczema on other places of my body.Deficiencies I was only tested at my obgyn in another country last year, but I was deficient in vitamin d, folate acid, and vitamin. B something and I suspect I may have more but I’m not sure as I just arrived back in the states this past week and haven’t had the chance to go the doctors.Depression and anxiety Starting when I was 11? It all of a sudden came up and it goes up and down but my anxiety brings me such strong worries and stresses that I can physically feel my heart race and I get dizzy at points. I’ve tried calming myself down because I heard high stress means draining of magnesium and then all vitamin s too.IBS I was diagnosed with this my freshman year after a traumatic episode with my step father. After that, I always seem to be constipated and I’ve gone days without going to the bathroom which hurts my tummy and makes me more anxiety and stressed.Extreme Irregular Periods/PCOS I’ve had weird periods since I’ve gotten them at 12. I’ve had one year where I didn’t have any and then the next I had periods for almost entire months with a couple days in between. Last year I went to the doctor and she made me go on Yaz for 6 months to see if I could balance my hormonal imbalance a, I did and then I got tested in January 2021 with results coming back with all basically normal again. However since coming off the birth control I have no period, I get cramps but I haven’t had my period yet and it’s been almost a month and a half. I’m extremely concerned about this one because I want to have children in the future but I’m afraid I have fertility issues or the birth control messed me up even more.I believe these are all linked together somehow and maybe it’s caused by severe stress I experienced from a young age until now but I feel disheartened by going to conventional doctors and receiving medicine after medicine with little to no help.
