Starting my first Whole30 soon, and I'm feeling overwhelmed...

Hi all! I'm on mobile, so I hope my formatting isn't too obnoxious. Long post ahead, with TLDR at the bottom.

Under the suggestion and guidance of my dr. I'm planning on starting my Whole30 on March 22nd. I have ongoing issues with hormonal imbalance and IBS. I am also doing it to improve my bloodwork, so my husband and I can start trying for a baby without my being at increased risk of gestational diabetes.

All that said, I've been trying to find recipes and quick meals that we like before. I feel like I've got dinner down, but I am struggling with breakfast especially.

I'm trying to cook extra food at dinner to use as leftovers for lunches. I'm willing to eat whatever for breakfast, but it feels like no matter how early I get up it takes forever to cook breakfast. I also have issues with eggs giving me headaches, which makes this even more fun.

What do you all do to prep for breakfast or save time in the morning? Do you have any info on meal prepping you can recommend? I haven't found any resources that made meal prep seem approachable.

Thank you all so much in advance!

TLDR: Starting my first W30 on March 22nd, but struggling with breakfast. Willing to eat whatever, but leftovers are usually reserved for lunch. I get up early, but still struggle to cook fast enough to give me enough time to eat and get ready for my day. Any tips? Also, eggs give me headaches, so that sucks.

Hi all! I'm on mobile, so I hope my formatting isn't too obnoxious. Long post ahead, with TLDR at the bottom.Under the suggestion and guidance of my dr. I'm planning on starting my Whole30 on March 22nd. I have ongoing issues with hormonal imbalance and IBS. I am also doing it to improve my bloodwork, so my husband and I can start trying for a baby without my being at increased risk of gestational diabetes.All that said, I've been trying to find recipes and quick meals that we like before. I feel like I've got dinner down, but I am struggling with breakfast especially.I'm trying to cook extra food at dinner to use as leftovers for lunches. I'm willing to eat whatever for breakfast, but it feels like no matter how early I get up it takes forever to cook breakfast. I also have issues with eggs giving me headaches, which makes this even more fun.What do you all do to prep for breakfast or save time in the morning? Do you have any info on meal prepping you can recommend? I haven't found any resources that made meal prep seem approachable.Thank you all so much in advance!TLDR: Starting my first W30 on March 22nd, but struggling with breakfast. Willing to eat whatever, but leftovers are usually reserved for lunch. I get up early, but still struggle to cook fast enough to give me enough time to eat and get ready for my day. Any tips? Also, eggs give me headaches, so that sucks.
