Has anyone else’s migraines led to mental health issues?

I (f15) have had migraines (chronic) since I was 12. Early last year my doctor determined the cause to be a hormonal imbalance. It took years of testing, dieting, MRIs, and many different medications. At one point I was taking 12 pills daily. As expected, my tolerance to o.t.c pain relievers increased. Now to feel any relief I need at least 1000mg of any pain reliever. This diagnosis validated me. I felt a weight lift off of me that I never knew existed.

For the last three years I had gotten migraines for at least 3 days of the week. I would be stuck in bed, sick to my stomach. Crying in pain, which only made the pain worse. But what is a child with a migraine to do? I became scared of going out and socializing in fear of a migraine. I would stay home from school and be behind in work. This took a major toll on my mental health that I never realized until the past year.

I had felt suicidal. I would always say in my head “I’d rather kill myself than feel this pain any longer”. I felt numb and empty, except for the pain between my eyes that extends to the top of my head. I thought this was normal, until my boyfriend told me it wasn’t, and I had the same symptoms as someone who struggled with depression.

I haven’t been diagnosed, mostly because my parents don’t believe me, but I was wondering if anyone can relate? If anyone does, I hear you. I believe you. I understand you.

I (f15) have had migraines (chronic) since I was 12. Early last year my doctor determined the cause to be a hormonal imbalance. It took years of testing, dieting, MRIs, and many different medications. At one point I was taking 12 pills daily. As expected, my tolerance to o.t.c pain relievers increased. Now to feel any relief I need at least 1000mg of any pain reliever. This diagnosis validated me. I felt a weight lift off of me that I never knew existed.For the last three years I had gotten migraines for at least 3 days of the week. I would be stuck in bed, sick to my stomach. Crying in pain, which only made the pain worse. But what is a child with a migraine to do? I became scared of going out and socializing in fear of a migraine. I would stay home from school and be behind in work. This took a major toll on my mental health that I never realized until the past year.I had felt suicidal. I would always say in my head “I’d rather kill myself than feel this pain any longer”. I felt numb and empty, except for the pain between my eyes that extends to the top of my head. I thought this was normal, until my boyfriend told me it wasn’t, and I had the same symptoms as someone who struggled with depression.I haven’t been diagnosed, mostly because my parents don’t believe me, but I was wondering if anyone can relate? If anyone does, I hear you. I believe you. I understand you. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3dE6hNV
