Is it still unacceptable to use condoms in marriage, if my doctors have strongly urged me to avoid pregnancy at this time (a span of years)?

I received a brain injury in an accident in 2019, and my team of doctors have advised me against becoming pregnant because the (hopefully temporary) damage to my brain, chemical and hormonal imbalances caused by the injury would most likely cause the baby to be born with serious birth defects, if he/she even makes it to term.

I married my husband in 2018 - the timing is unfortunate. The natural family planning method is not possible for me because my hormones cause my cycles to be impossible to chart. I have no idea when I am fertile or infertile. Am I expected to completely abstain from having sex with my husband until my brain recovers? I am about a year and a half into my recovery, and recovery has been very slow. It could easily be another year or longer before my brain has recovered enough to not cause these serious issues. Are condoms still forbidden in this case? If not, am I really supposed to deny my husband for years at a time?

Edit: removed a sentence to make the post a little more concise

I received a brain injury in an accident in 2019, and my team of doctors have advised me against becoming pregnant because the (hopefully temporary) damage to my brain, chemical and hormonal imbalances caused by the injury would most likely cause the baby to be born with serious birth defects, if he/she even makes it to term.I married my husband in 2018 - the timing is unfortunate. The natural family planning method is not possible for me because my hormones cause my cycles to be impossible to chart. I have no idea when I am fertile or infertile. Am I expected to completely abstain from having sex with my husband until my brain recovers? I am about a year and a half into my recovery, and recovery has been very slow. It could easily be another year or longer before my brain has recovered enough to not cause these serious issues. Are condoms still forbidden in this case? If not, am I really supposed to deny my husband for years at a time?Edit: removed a sentence to make the post a little more concise
