Next doctor recommendations when all the tests are negative?

Hi all!!! 23F.

I’ve been on a journey the last few months to figure out what’s going on with my vaginal health. Physically my body has been through the ringer with the whole covid situation, a few unrelated infections that I had to do weeks of antibiotic use. Naturally it threw off my pH quite a bit, I used Diflucan a few times to solve any itchiness caused by my antibiotic use but it never really fixed anything.

Since stopping my birth control in September 2020, I’ve had these symptoms: - a lot of vulvar itching and extreme irritation/redness - pain with sex, bleeding during/after sex - excess white buildup in labia - sometimes anal itching - sometimes irritation in my urethra/fullness feeling in my urethra - pain with arousal and orgasm like my vaginal walls ache

I’m currently staying with my parents in a small town so the healthcare isn’t great but here’s the tests I’ve had so far: - yeast, BV, trich, chlamydia, + gonorrhea cultures (many times) always negative - ureaplasma and mycoplasma vaginal culture - negative - uti (4 different tests spread across the last 5 months) - always negative - negative for genital herpes, but i do have oral hsv1 antibodies as most of the population does (have never had an outbreak)

My periods are a little irregular — they’ve range from 28 to 46 days apart so could be some hormonal irregularities but I couldn’t imagine it’s all hormonal. I shower everyday and do not use any soap on the area and use unscented Dove on the rest of my body.

Basically I’m looking for a new doctor to try and find a diagnosis but does anyone have any suggestions for what type of doctor/specialist I should look into?

My hypothesis is that it’s Cytolytic Vaginosis (it gets worse before my period), a hormonal imbalance, dermatology issues, or pelvic floor dysfunction. If anyone has any experience or identifies with those symptoms, please let me know! Thank you!! I hope we all find solutions soon, female health is not taken seriously enough at all.

Hi all!!! 23F.I’ve been on a journey the last few months to figure out what’s going on with my vaginal health. Physically my body has been through the ringer with the whole covid situation, a few unrelated infections that I had to do weeks of antibiotic use. Naturally it threw off my pH quite a bit, I used Diflucan a few times to solve any itchiness caused by my antibiotic use but it never really fixed anything.Since stopping my birth control in September 2020, I’ve had these symptoms: - a lot of vulvar itching and extreme irritation/redness - pain with sex, bleeding during/after sex - excess white buildup in labia - sometimes anal itching - sometimes irritation in my urethra/fullness feeling in my urethra - pain with arousal and orgasm like my vaginal walls acheI’m currently staying with my parents in a small town so the healthcare isn’t great but here’s the tests I’ve had so far: - yeast, BV, trich, chlamydia, + gonorrhea cultures (many times) always negative - ureaplasma and mycoplasma vaginal culture - negative - uti (4 different tests spread across the last 5 months) - always negative - negative for genital herpes, but i do have oral hsv1 antibodies as most of the population does (have never had an outbreak)My periods are a little irregular — they’ve range from 28 to 46 days apart so could be some hormonal irregularities but I couldn’t imagine it’s all hormonal. I shower everyday and do not use any soap on the area and use unscented Dove on the rest of my body.Basically I’m looking for a new doctor to try and find a diagnosis but does anyone have any suggestions for what type of doctor/specialist I should look into?My hypothesis is that it’s Cytolytic Vaginosis (it gets worse before my period), a hormonal imbalance, dermatology issues, or pelvic floor dysfunction. If anyone has any experience or identifies with those symptoms, please let me know! Thank you!! I hope we all find solutions soon, female health is not taken seriously enough at all.
